*2* The movie

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Percy POV

I jump over the back of the couch and sit next to My girlfriend, Annabeth, I love her. I haven't told her yet, I mean we're not even public, its not like we don't want to be exclusive. Its just my sister, Peyton... she's been best friends with Annabeth since we were all kids. We make it work though. She'll tell Peyton that she has to study and I practice for the swim team at school because the pool is bigger than the one we have at home. When we're really having dinner or seeing a movie together. Our five month anniversary is coming up, and I really want to take her somewhere special, but recently Peyton's been acting strange around me, she's making me think she knows something. We've talked about what would happen if she ever found out, but we never get through the conversation...

"Can you pass me the blanket?" I lean forward to her ear, making sure Peyton isn't watching;

"I have all the warmth you need right here." She shivered, either because she was actually cold or because of my breath on her neck. I pass her the blanket, and she throws it over both of us. We gave some to Estelle as to make it less suspicious.


During the entire movie, our eyes kept meeting, and Peyton fell asleep. Tyson took Stella, and they went to bed around nine.

"You know, she's asleep, you can stop looking at me and kiss me if you want..." I moved my eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up." She pulled me by my shirt and kissed me. I felt all my senses heighten, I was suddenly very aware of her lemon scent, her soft lips, and the small moan she lets out.

"Ewwwww!" We jump as far away as we can get from each other.

"Estelle, what are you doing up?"

"What are you doing sucking face with Annabeth?" Annabeth blushed.

"Estelle, please don't tell anyone what you saw."

"Fine. I want fifty bucks." I look at Annabeth who's cracking up at this point. I grab my wallet and give her the only fifty I have. "You guys should be more careful."

"Goodnight Stella." She shrugged and ran back upstairs, after grabbing a water bottle. "Now, where were we?" I start to lean in only to be met with a palm on my cheek.

"Its too risky."

"Awe come on, just a little one?" She looks around nervously, making sure Peyton's asleep, but she leans in and we resume, until we have to stop to take a breath. Electricity still flowing through out my body.

"I should get going.' She stands up but I pull her back down.

"I-I l-don't What you to leave." She gave me a weird look, but sat back down, I wrapped my arms around her, and we fell asleep.


"Whoa! Percy get off of her! What are you doing you perv!" Annabeth wakes up and realizes the compromising position we're in. She was in my lap, head on my chest, laying down. "Wipe the drool of your face." Annabeth jumps up off the couch.

"Percy what the actual hell?"

"What the hell me? What the hell you? You were the one who fell asleep on me!" Of course this was all an act, and we never have real fights, its more charming bickering. I can see in her eyes how much she hates having to yell at me.

"Never touch me again!" She stormed off to the bathroom, while Peyton went upstairs to shower.

"You can come out now, she's upstairs." She came out of the bathroom and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean what I said, right?"

"Of course." I kissed the top of her head. "So our fifth month anniversary is coming up..."

"Yeah, it sure is." She had a slight smile on her face.

"I was thinking you could meet me in the park at around nine in the morning?"

"Sure, it better not be another picnic, you remember what happened last time don't you?"

"Yes... but in my defense the kid started it!"

"Percy you are eighteen. He was eight. Ten year difference there bub."

"I know..." Peyton came down, her hair wet, and in new clothes.

"Hey guys, glad to see you didn't kill each other. What so you guys want for breakfast?"

"I can make blueberry pancakes?"

"Great! Thanks Perce." She kissed my cheek and took Annabeth upstairs.


Annabeth POV

Peyton dragged me up the stairs and into her room.

"What happened last night?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"You fell asleep on top of him by accident?"

"It happens! You saw! Why would I want to sleep on Percy?" I fake gagged. No matter how much I want to tell her I love him and have girl talk with her, I can't. I don't even like girl talk actually...

"Annabeth! Peyton! Breakfast, grab Tyson and Estelle!" So we did. I got Stella, as to avoid Tyson and his non stop attempts to flirt with me.

I sat down next to Percy, on his left. He moved his hand to my thigh, making me blush as he moved his hand up and down my inner thigh. I loved it, but what if Peyton noticed something moving or my blush? I faked a stretch, and took his hand in mine, rubbing circles into his palm.

"So Percy... do you have swim today?"

"Yep. And I'm going to assume you're going to have your face in your books?"

"Hey! It doesn't hurt to study."

"Do you guys ever stop arguing?"

"Yes..." I knew what he was referring to of course, but its a better disguise if we argue in front of her.


"Annabeth come on we're going to my room." I didn't want to leave Percy, but I couldn't tell Peyton that.

"Okay... what are we doing here?"

"We haven't talked like about stuff in a while. Percy's always in the way."

"Oh don't worry about it..."

"So. Tell me. Anybody got your eye?"


"OoooOOh! Spill!" Okay I will tell her the truth, just not any specific details...

"So I've been hanging out with this one guy, uhm Peter. And his sister and I are friends, and I don't know how she would react if she found out... Uhm Ho would you react?"

"I would follow your heart! I mean if you really like this guy, who is she to stand in your way?"

"Thanks P."

"Okay now for my problem..." I ended up staying until five pm that night.

"Bye P." She had Percy drive me home, because it was starting to get dark.


I finally got to hold his hand, and he started rubbing my thigh again, this time I could let out how I was feeling... I didn't mean to but a moan escaped from the back of my throat, I didn't know it was there.

"If you want, um, uh, nobody's home..."

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