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Percy POV

We packed up our stuff and piled back into the car. I was excited to be able to hold Annabeth even if Peyton still wasn't completely thrilled, I was.
I'm sure you think I'm joking when I say I'm going to marry Annabeth right? Nope! I fully intend on marrying her. I love her. She's my forever, my destination my end goal.

Annabeth sat in the middle again, and I was able to openly have an arm around her as she conformed into my side. She tucked herself in, stealing practically all the blanket but she looked so cute and comfortable I couldn't bring myself to bother her.

"Would you move your arm?" Peyton brought me out of my daydream.


"Your beef stick. Move it away from me."

"I uh..." I moved my arm to around Annabeth's waist as she further snuggled into my side.

"You're insufferable. Just go away already!"

"Peyton I'm sorry you don't like me dating Annabeth but at least be happy for her. Thats all I ask of you. Hate me all you want but think of how great it is for her. That her best friend is sisters with her boyfriend? I'd take that deal."

"Percy why couldn't you have just stayed out? I get that we're siblings and we share and that's fine but come on! My best friend? Thats just a whole new level of low."

"Some friend you are."

"Excuse me fish boy?"

"You heard me! You're a terrible friend to her. I can't believe she's stuck by you all these years!" Annabeth started to stir in her sleep. I coaxed her back to sleep with no help of Peyton.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't? Really? I haven't seen her put up with your gods awful boyfriends and girlfriends but the second she finds somebody you can't just be happy for her?"

"Percy shhh" She shushed me and if I wasn't so mad I would have laughed at her adorable antics. "I love you but you're so loud."

"Y-You love him?"

"What?" Annabeth was awake now.

"You love him?" She turned a deep red, realizing what she said.

"Yes. Yes I do. I love your brother."

"Do you see what you've done Percy? Now she'll always choose you over me. You couldn't just let me have one thing to myself."

"Peyton, this is a good thing! Now when you have a partner we can double date!"

"Who wants to double date with their brother?!" She had a slight point there.

"Is there nothing we can do to make you happy?"

"I told you already. You just refuse to take the option."

"We're not breaking up because you want Annabeth to yourself. If you really were a good friend you'd be accepting of whoever she chooses to love! We accept you! We don't say anything when you bring home freaks! We just want you to be happy. Yet you can't give her the same courtesy? You know what Peyton, I don't care if I'm not your brother anymore because anybody who can be as insensitive as you're being, is not sister of mine." I was seething now. That is until Annabeth put her hand on my chest. She somehow just can do that! Doesn't matter where we are, how I'm feeling or why I'm feeling it, she can always make me feel better.

"Alright Percy, you've made your point, lets all take a breath and try to calm down." My dad tried to be a reasonable adult. Of course Peyton was having none of it.

My best friend's brother [editing] Where stories live. Discover now