*6* To Vermont!

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Annabeth POV

Okay, breathe. You're going to get in the car, you're going to meet Percy and Peyton's dad.

"My boy!"

"Hi Dad." Percy gave a man who has the same sea green eyes, and similar facial structure a hug.

"Who is this young lassie?"

"This is Annabeth Chase. Peyton's best friend. She's also—" He takes a second to make sure she's not around. "my girlfriend. But Peyton doesn't know."

"Well my dear, you seem to have done the impossible, you've managed to get this boy to commit!"

"Hey! I commit to stuff! I've committed to swimming!"

"Hi Dad..." Peyton wouldn't look her father in the eye.

"Peyton, my love, how are you?" She just rolled her eyes and got in the car. Just as she got in, a woman in red stilettos, stepped out of the front seat. "Percy, this is Amphitrite."

"Its uh nice to meet you." I took his hand, to comfort him, I figured that this would be rough since he never met the woman who he claims broke up his family.


We got in the car, all our stuff piled in the back. I sat in between the two Jackson's despite Peyton's strange looks.

An hour in Peyton fell asleep. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. I leaned my head on his chest, and I fell asleep.

I was woken up by Peyton.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're snuggling with Percy?"

"O-oh, I uh it was an accident..."

"You should switch seats with me."

"No, thats okay, I wouldn't want to force you into the middle seat especially when you're already unhappy about this trip."

"...Do you like Percy?"


"What's up with you two?"

"Nothings up with us."

"Okay then... I still call bull shit on you."

"I don't even think about Percy he's never a thought in my mind. You're the only Jackson I like to hang out with." I roll my eyes and lean back into my seat.

"Why else would you be okay with all the weird stuff that brings you guys together?"

"No, he's...he's gross!"

"Than why haven't you removed his arm from your waist?" Shit.

"Eww Percy get off of me!"

"But baby..."

"Get up you big oaf!"

"Annabeth? An-Annabeth! Yuck get away!" He took his arm back, and Poseidon, their dad, sent me a look in the rear view mirror.


"I'm so sorry. She wouldn't stop interrogating me. I had to get her off my back."

"I know, I know you don't mean what you say. But hey! We're going to tell her this week right?"

"Yeah. I'm just convinced she's going to murder me. I mean her brother... yeesh." So we started to unpack our stuff, and before I took my stuff out of the car, we decided to take Peyton to lunch.

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