*11* The Call

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Peyton POV

I hate my brother. If you couldn't tell of course. He's still hiding shit from me. When did we drift so far away? I'll never know. Annabeth has been avoiding me, Estelle is obsessed with Annabeth, as is Tyson. If I'm being honest, I'm starting to resent her. Why did she have to get herself kicked out of her house? I don't mean that... I think. I just wish things could go back to the way they were. I almost wish I didn't know about Annabeth and Percy. They do say "Ignorance is Bliss." They're not wrong. I was much happier being able to whisk Annabeth away with me not knowing she was being ripped from her boyfriend, and talk with her, but now... Now I feel like the odd one out. I'm the one who's bothering them. I'm the third wheel. The unnecessary cog wheel, the appendix, I'm the wisdom teeth of the group. Useless. The unwanted.

Percy POV

I woke up the way I dreamed I would everyday in the future. Annabeth in my arms asleep, curled into my chest. Gods she's beautiful. What am I going to do if I do get into the Olympics though? I'd have to go into training I'd have to fall of the face of the Earth. I can't worry about that just yet. I need to graduate high school first. I need to propose to Annabeth, well thats just a thing to add to the list of shit I need to get done.

Annabeth started to stir.


"Good morning beautiful."

"Oh stop it, I can't do this, this early in the morning."

"Do what?"

"Blush profusely, and feel giddy inside."

"But I love being able to do that to you."

"I'm going back to sleep." She rolled over, and took most of the comforter.

"Hey! I sleep here too you know."

"Do I care?" I could hear the smirk on her face.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?" She whacked me with a pillow. "What?!"

"You know." I did, I was trying to get her up, and school always gets her wound up a bit.

"Awe come on! Lets get up! Lets start the day!"

"No." I pulled her close to me and nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck. "You better not drool on me."

When I woke up again Annabeth wasn't there.

"Where'd you go?" She walked out in one of my shirts, it was gigantic on her, but she looked so good in it. She was drying her hair with a towel as she came out of the bathroom.

"Like what you see Seaweed Brain?" It was my turn to blush.

"No." I gulped without meaning to.

"Oh, thats a shame." She turned, and went back into the bathroom.

"What are you pulling here woman?"

"I haven't a clue as to what you're talking about." I got up out of bed and met her in the bathroom. She was smirking, like she couldn't help herself. Before I can stop myself my hands are on her hips, pulling her close.

"I'm lucky."

"Why's that?"

"I'm in love with my best friend."

"Me too." She went on her tip toes and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Thats all I get?"

"Until you brush your teeth, yes." I scowl at her and brush my teeth.

"Now?" i say with a hopeful ring to my voice.

"Mmm I don't know..." She started walking away, and all i wanted to do was jump her bones. Throw her on the bed and get to work. ZI did promise to make it special though. Dam it.

"Wait!" She turned. I surged forward running my hand behind her ear, pulling her face towards mine. When our lips met, fireworks, every time, fireworks. "Okay." She pushed me away playfully. I stumbled onto the bed. "Oh so thats what you want?" She blushed and seemed nervous. "Hey I-I'm kidding, relax. I know, I made that mistake once I'm never going to do that to you again." I saw the tension leave her shoulders.

We ended up just talking and started to head downstairs for brunch I guess at that point, when my phone rang.

"Why don't you head down? I'll be down in a few." She kissed my cheek and left. "Hello?"

"Percy Jackson?"

"This is he."

"Is your mother or guardian around?"

"I can get her..."

"No its alright, we're just calling to inform you of your status for the olympics."


"Yes, so congratulations blah blah blah, pack your bags." He wasn't enthusiastic at all, I guess he makes a lot of these calls.

"Uhm t-thank you sir."

"Yes, you will be sent an email about the next steps very soon, have a nice day. Don't forget to tell your guardian so they can sign the necessary paperwork, that is if you are still intending on coming."

"Thank you sir. Have a nice weekend." He hung up. I was in shock. I couldn't move. I just sat on my bed, my life changed forever, with that one call. The second I tell Mom, it will be set in stone. I'll change everyone's life. I don't want to hurt... any specific people... uhm or have that one person believe I'm abandoning them... ehm.

I slowly, wobbly stand up and head to my Mom's room.

"Uhm Mom?"

"Hey Perce, whats up hon?"

"I uh... got the call."


"I'm uh— in."

"Percy! Thats great! Come on we have to celebrate!"


"What's wrong? You've been working towards this since the first time you set for in the water."

"I know, I think I just, I feel like everything's about to change."

"You're not wrong but not all change is bad."

"Do I have to tell people just yet?"

"No, of course not. When you're ready to tell people we'll tell people, until then it'll be our not so secret secret." She gave me a hug, and I just didn't want to leave her hold. I always felt so safe in my mom's arms. Before Peyton was born, Mom was my best friend. Sure it was only a year, and I don't remember it, but the pictures are proof enough. "You should get downstairs before people get suspicious." I nod and head downstairs still in shock.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah." Annabeth shot me a look that said she knew I was lying but I really wasn't ready to put an end to our relationship. Yes I know, I know what I said, but there's no way I can be on National television with a girlfriend who's still in high school. How do I explain that to her, its not her fault.

Peyton put a giant stack on pancakes on my plate, and gave herself and Annabeth "ladylike portions."

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