*9* We hit the slopes... again

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Annabeth POV

Last night was... painful. I guess I appreciate him being considerate but I feel bad, I didn't mean to like... make him suffer? I thought I could just give him as much as i was comfortable with and he'd get his fix but he's expressed otherwise. Anyways he woke me up by kissing me, so I guess he wasn't still mad.


"Mmmm five more minutes..." I turned over to try and get more sleep, unfortunately he just dragged me close to him and kissed my face till I would get up. "Okay, okay."

"Good Peyton will not be happy if we're late."

"You're always late."

"Yes and she does take that into account but you however are never late so she'll probably be expecting the Annabeth scheduled arrival."
We got in our gear, Percy grabbed his snowboard which he apparently had this whole time and chose not to use! We then trudged through the artificial snow to Peyton's. He stopped me.


"What?" He grasped my hip and pulled me flush against his body, and kissed me. It started gentle and sweet but soon turned hungry and pleading for more. I would of given it to him if we weren't already late. He kissed down my jawline to my soft spot, he knows just how to distract me and keep me in his arms. It took every last bit of my willpower to pull away. We had to stop for two reasons; one we had to get to Peyton's and two we were in the middle of the street.

"P-Percy... P-Percy... Come on we have to go Peyton's waiting."

"I love you is that such a crime!? I'll shout it from the roof tops!... I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!"

"Percy stop. You're disrupting the peace. That's actually a crime."

"I can't help it."

"Come on." I take his hand and we walk up to Peyton's cabin. He gave me one last kiss before knocking on the door.

"You're late."

"Or on time for Percy."

"Lets just get this over with."

"Peyton if you act like this all day then nobody will have any fun. If you at least try and treat us like usual you'll have a blast."

"Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you have to talk down to me."

"I wasn't talking down to you I was just saying we should try to have fun."

"This would have been fun if you didn't come."

"I'll just go back then."


"Good." He walked away.

"Percy wait! Come on Peyton you have to at least give him a chance." I ran after him, and he was pissed.

"How dare she! She starts off with a stick up her ass and I'm just supposed to act like things are normal? How can I possibly do that?"

"Percy just calm down and come with us okay?" I took his hand and walked him over to where Peyton was standing. She stuck her tongue out at Percy and he glared at her. "Okay you two, can you please act like adults instead of immature babies? I'm too young to have two kids so please just try?"

"I'm just helping you get some practice in since he'll get you pregnant and leave you!"

"Peyton I swear to the gods if you—"

"Percy. Calm down." He huffed and we headed towards the slopes.

"Bunny hill?"

"Thats for babies." I looked at Percy for support.

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