*5* Breakfast

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Percy POV

I woke up to my favorite thing in the world; Annabeth, asleep, in my arms. I love her so much, I couldn't help myself, I pulled her up to my head and squeezed her.

"I love you Annabeth."

"Can't—breathe—" I reluctantly let her go. "Ow, I think you broke a rib."

"We don't know until you let me see, now do we?" She slapped my shoulder playfully. I held her again, kissing her neck, taking in her lemon scent just as she took in my sea breeze scent.

"Percy, will you ever leave me?"

"To go to the bathroom? Yes. But in life? Never. I love you too much." She looked down at her hand.

"Hmm looks like your missing something there buckaroo."

"Oh I haven't asked you yet?"


"Oh well, thats coming."

"Right now?"

"No, not right now, that would be rather lame, plus how do we explain to my family why you all of a sudden have a ring on your left ring finger?"

"I'm going to go shower, are you coming?"

"Yes ma'am!"


After we showered, we were getting dressed, and in walked Peyton.

"Whoa! Haven't you heard of knocking?"

"I just need to talk to Annabeth." Annabeth gave me a look, but she went off with Peyton.

Annabeth POV

"Percy's has a girlfriend."

"How do you know?"

"He was on the phone with her yesterday, they love each other apparently. I call BS, my brother isn't capable of that kind of relationship. Somethings up. It has to be a cover for something, and I need your help, since you're staying in his room, I need you to eavesdrop, watch, anything, to get information. Can you do that?" What the fuck? I need to tell her right? I need to talk to Percy, right now.

"Um y-yeah, but don't you feel like you're digging where he doesn't want anyone to dig? Like what if he can and does feel the way he says he's feeling?"

"Its impossible. My brother plays girls for whatever he wants and drops them after a week." I shrug not knowing what to do or say at this point.

"I have to go finish getting dressed..."

"What do you mean? You already have everything on?"

"I forgot something." I walked away as fast as I could, and back to Percy. "Hey."

"Hi, what happened?"

"She knows you're dating somebody." I smirk, I don't mean to but then it turned into a big goofy smile.

"Yeah she heard us on the phone, I'm sorry. She's so nosey. I'm gonna—" I kissed him, even though the door was wide open, and anybody could have walked in. It was stupid, sure, but when he gets all worried, his eyebrows get all scrunched together an he's really cute. "What was that for?" I walk over and close the door.

"You're cute when you're worried." I kissed his cheek, grabbed my phone, and headed out.

Percy POV

After Annabeth left, my phone rang.




"Ah my boy, how are you?"

"I'm okay..."

"And your sister?"

"She's good... uh why are you calling all of a sudden?"

"Well, winter break is coming up yes? I was thinking of having you and your sister come up to Vermont with me, we can go skiing, or do whatever you want. I'll even let you bring a friend."

"I'll have to talk to mom, and Peyton about it."

"Alright my boy, I need an answer ASAP, since we're renting cottages, which by the way you and your sister will each get your own." He hung up. I could go on vacation with Annabeth. I can't bring her though, Peyton has to. Crap.


I head downstairs, and find my entire family, staring at me.


"Nothing... how's the girlfriend?" Peyton snickered.

"She's great thank you very much. Um Dad called."


"He invited us up to Vermont for the break."

"We can't just leave Annabeth."

"He said we could each bring a friend." I take a seat next to Annabeth, and put a hand on her thigh.


"Well, do you kids want to go?" Mom cut in.

"I mean he said we would each get like a cottage thing. It doesn't sound half bad..." Annabeth was looking around, like she was uncomfortable... I really wanted to comfort her, put my arms around her, and feel her relax.

"I don't want to go."

"Why Peyton?"

"I don't want to see him after everything he did."

"Peyton, maybe he changed. Plus Annabeth do you want to go?"

"A cabin in Vermont, doesn't sound like torture."

"Then its settled, we're going. I'll go make the call."


"I told him who we were bringing, even though I'm not bringing anyone."

"Why don't you bring your girlfriend!? I'm sure she'd love to come!"

"She's going to the Bahamas, so she can't come..." Annabeth took my hand, comforting me.

After breakfast we all went to our respective rooms. Annabeth laid down, I shut the door, locked it and laid down next to her.

"How are we going to come up with reasons to be with each other?"

"I was thinking about that, and maybe its time we tell her..."

"That... could work... but what if she gets pissed and like kicks me out of her cabin?"

"Then you'll stay in mine." I kissed her. "Plus my cabin has a hot tub."

"Ooh okay I'm definitely coming now." she sat up and rested her back on my headboard. "We should wait till we're already there, so she can't kick us out of the car."

"Agreed. I love you Annabeth."

"Yuh huh you absolute Seaweed Brain."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm just trying to get them to Vermont asap.

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