Meeting him (Johnny Depp) pt.2

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Your Pov
I couldn't stop thinking about the guy that I saw earlier. I hoped that after class I would run into him again. The school bell rung and I rushed out of class, heading to the cafe to start some homework.

Once I got to the cafe, I saw him. The guy from earlier. I walked near him and sat at the table next to his, hoping he would notice me.

I took out my homework and school supplies from my tote bag and set all the supplies in front of me. I started on some homework and groaned in frustration when I realized couldn't even figure out the first question.

"Need some help?" I heard someone ask from next to me. I looked up to see the guy from earlier.

"I'm Johnny. I kinda bumped into you earlier today." He chuckled with a slight, shy smile.

"I'm y/n. And yea, I remember you. I would love some help. Do you know anything about business management?" I said giving him a kind, shy smile. He sat down in front of me and I handed him the worksheet that I was working on. He looked at it and gave me his answer to the question.

"Thank you. I really needed help with that question. School just started and I'm already struggling with the classwork." I laughed and looked into his eyes. We stared until we heard another college student get up from their chair and walk away. We both laughed shyly.

"It's no problem. I can help you with all your work if you want." He chuckled softly."Your really pretty by the way." He said looking down at his hands.

"Thank you. I think your really cute by the way." He looked up and smiled. I smiled back and continued working on the worksheet. Every so often I would ask for his help and we ended up talking for hours.

We set up another time to meet the next day and left the cafe. He walked me back to my house and waved goodbye. I waved back with a smile.

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