Better Than Dead (Sebastian)

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TW: Drugs

Third Person Pov

Again. This is happening again.

Sebastian is being rushed to the hospital after Y/n found him unconscious on the floor in the bathroom with a pill bottle in his hand.

The ambulance made it to the hospital and the paramedics quickly rushed Sebastian through the doors of the hospital on a gurney. Y/n quickly followed behind the paramedics, with tears running down her face.

Sebastian and Y/n have been through this already, the crying, the arguments, and the drug use. They have talked about Sebastian's drug use so many times and Sebastian has been to so many therapists and drug rehab centers but they never helped him.

Y/n waited in the waiting room, waiting for a doctor to give an update on Sebastian . After 30 minutes, a doctor walked towards Y/n.

"Ma'am, are you waiting for Sebastian Stan?" The doctor said looking at his clipboard.

"Yes I am." Y/n said wiping tears from her face.

"He's in stable condition, but another overdose like this can kill him. I can provide a list of rehab centers that can help with his drug addiction." The doctor said.

"Ok Thank you. That would be great." Y/n said knowing that Sebastian has been to almost every rehab center in New York.

Y/n followed the doctor into Sebastian room and what she saw made her heart break.

Your Pov

I walked into Sebastian's room and his condition made my heart break. He was lying in the bed hooked up to a bunch of wires and all I could hear was his shallow breathing and the heart monitor, recording his heart beats.

I walked over to his bed and sat in the chair that was placed at his bed side. I grabbed his hand and sighed
'Why, Sebastian?' I thought to myself, silently placing my hand to my forehead in disappointment.

As I picked up my phone to call our bestfriends, Chris and Anthony, Sebastian woke up slowly, allowing his eyes to adjust to the bright lights of the hospital room.

"Sebastian , Babe, are you okay? How do you feel?" I asked quickly, standing up to see his face. His face looked sickly, pale and sunken in like he hadn't slept in days. He looked at me for a moment then looked up to the ceiling sighing. He shook his head telling me he wasn't okay.

"What's wrong? Talk to me." I told him. He rubbed his hand over his face looking around the room then letting his eyes fall onto me. His face was filled with regret and sorrow, both of which I have seen on his face many time before when we had arguments about his drug use.

"I'm sorry." Sebastian said looking me in my eyes with a sorrowful look. I shook my head and rubbed my thumb alongside the back of his hand.

"No no, we've talked about this, argued about this and yet here we are again. I can't keep doing this to you. You deserve better." Sebastian said

"No Sebastian don't say that. We can work through this like we always do. We are gonna get help and fix this drug addiction okay?" I say with tears in my eyes.

'We're gonna be okay and that's always better than dead'

i wrote this as a story continuation for my book "Better Than Dead" but i drafted the story because i didn't know how to continue the story.

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