After Party (Leonardo Dicaprio)

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Your Pov
Leo was walking with me on the red carpet of the Oscars. He asked me to be his date and insisted that that I come. I wore a backless black dress that showed off my chocolate skin and curves, and black lace up heels and my hair was in butterfly locs. We walked down the carpet and said hello to fellow actors and actresses and posed for pictures. I tried to let him pose for some pictures by himself but he pulled me back into his arms. I chuckled and rested my hand on his chest looking up at him, since he was a couple inches taller than me. His arm was around my waist and he looked down at me with a smile, showing off his perfect teeth.

After the red carpet and award show, Leo and I walked to our car and drove to the after party, that was being held at a fancy hotel two or three blocks away. Leo gave the keys to the valet and we walked into the building hand in hand. Leo's hand rested on the small of my back and gently pushed me forward so we could get through the crowd of people. We made it over to a bar and sat down.

"Baby, want anything to drink?" Leo asked me waving down a bartender. I nodded,

"Just a diet coke please" Leo nodded and told the bartender what I wanted. I looked around the party and saw so many famous people dancing, drinking and talking. Leo leaned down into my ear and whispered,

"You look absolutely stunning" I looked over to him and blushed. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. The bartender came back with my soda and Leo had ordered a beer. He kept his hand on my waist while a couple of his friends came and greeted us. Leo and his friends continued to talk and then one of my favorite songs came on, No Scrubs by TLC. I got up to dance and noticed that Leo didn't get up with me. I motioned for him to join me but he shook his head and laughed. I pouted and pulled on his arm to get him to get up. He eventually gave up and moved onto the dance floor with me.

"I can't believe that you're getting me to dance right now" he said laughing. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck dancing. He placed his hands on my waist dancing a bit and leaned down to give me a sweet kiss. We danced, laughed and had an amazing time at the after party.

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