I like you (Aaron Taylor Johnson)

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Some people requested Aaron Taylor Johnson!

Your Pov
I walked onto the set with my script in hand and sat near the catering table waiting for the director to call me. I'm a supporting character and Aaron was the lead in this movie and Lord was he fine. Aaron was already there reading his lines with the director when he looked my way and smiled. I smile back and waved. I looked down at my lines and went over them one more time before the director called me over to where he and Aaron was. I walked up next to them and the director started talking to me telling me what to do. A minute passes and the leading woman of the film, Sarah, walked in.

She walked over to us, greeted the director with a wave and Aaron with a kiss on the cheek. She paid me no mind. She acted as if I wasn't there. I didn't care because I didn't like her either. She was rude and made sure that everything went her way. I rolled my eyes at her gesture towards Aaron and when I looked back towards them, Aaron looked at me with a confused face but not long enough for anyone to see. I turned to walk away and Aaron and Sarah went to film their scene.

As I walked away, I could feel someone's eyes on me so I turned around and saw Aaron already looking at me. He smiled sadly and turned back towards the set. Aaron and Sarah filmed their scene and the director called me so I can film mine. I finished my scene and I was walking towards the catering table when Aaron stopped me

"Wow, that was amazing!" he said cheerfully. We both walked to a table and sat down. I smiled

"You think so?" Aaron nodded his head. He wrapped his strong arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the catering table. Before we could get there, Sarah stood in front of us with her arms crossed.

"Aaron, what are you doing? With her?" We both were taken back. I raised my eyebrows.

*Oh so she must want to fight* I thought to myself. I put my hands on my hips and Aaron kept his arm around my shoulder.

"What do you mean? We're going to lunch" He said. We tried to walk past her but she moved to go back in front of us.

"Um no, you were supposed to go to lunch with me" Sarah said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I moved Aaron's arm off my shoulder.

"Here, why don't y'all go to lunch and Ill go get my food" I walked away but before I could get far, I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me back.

When I turned around Aaron's lips were on mine. Fireworks went off immediately. We pulled away from each other and I blushed profusely. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I like you. A lot. So will you get lunch with me?" I agreed and we both laughed. We left the set, leaving Sarah dumbfounded.

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