Chapter 1

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Ten years have passed.*

Len was enjoying the warm breeze as he walks towards the school, he was in a good mood.

"Morning, Len!" Gumi greeted her childhood friend cheerfully; the blonde twins were her best friend.

"Gumiiii~~~" Rin whom was walking beside Len greeted Gumi with a big smile. "So~ How was your date with YOHIO???"

"Ah... Don't mention it." Gumi rolled her eyes and Rin giggled. "But that's fine! At least I still have you guys!"

"You bet!"

As the three kept on chatting and bypassed a park, a bunch of young kids caught their attention. The kids were playing peacefully; this scene reminded them their childhood.

"Well... It's really nice that we are still hanging out, and even went to the same high school, right?" Rin soften her eyes.

"I know..." Len began to frown as he recalled his past. "But man... we sure are meanies back then, isn't it?"

"... We are." Knowing what Len was saying, Gumi felt guilty too. "... What was that kid's name again?"

"Fukase." Len could never forget this name.

"We... owe him an apology." Rin sighed.

The three didn't talk much until they reached school.

As the three sat on their seats and wait for the class to begin, memories came back to Len and the boy sighed heavily as he remembers all the hateful words he have said to Fukase.

He wanted to meet Fukase again.

He wanted to say that he's sorry.

It was shocking to know that Fukase suddenly moved away; but he didn't care much back then.

As Len grew older, he began to learn that what he did in the past was very wrong. And the more he realized, the more he hates his old self.

But what can he do about it? He had no idea where Fukase is.

Luka only told him that Fukase moved to a different country, and that was the only information he could get.

He asked Luka to try email Arsloid in order to get Fukase's contact, but there was no way Arsloid would agree to that.

Who would anyway? He has been bullying the redhead all the time!

Still, Len wanted to say he's sorry.

He wanted Fukase to forgive him.

He wanted to forgive himself.

"Ok good morning class!" The teacher has arrived and she was acting rather excited. "Today we have a new transfer student! He actually lived here before but went to a different country due to family business! Let's welcome him!!!"

"Ah a new guy..." Len whispered to himself and looked up; he felt like everything was in slow motion once the newcomer stepped into the classroom.

He's tall, with a distinctive crimson curly hair.

His eyes... bloody red with full determination.

His scars... His face... They made the girls in the room screamed, but in a good way.

And that cross beside his mouth; that iconic look of this person.

"Wait...! Is he-?!" Gumi and Rin almost had their jaws dropped as they could not believe just how attractive this person in front of them looks.


* Because there will be NSFW in future chapters, Fukase would be 18 now. While the others are 17. 

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