Chapter 2: Feeling A Bit Better

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"Mm, Kurt this is amazing. What is it?" Rachel asked, with a mouthful of dessert.

"Yeah, this is so good." Brittany added, with her mouth full as well.

"Vegan almond and date cake." Kurt mumbled. Everyone had been on their third bowlful when the apartment door swung open.

"Oh look who's home so early, it's only 10 pm. We were expecting to see you in 12 hours for your daily walk of shame." Rachel teased, turning her attention to a girl that stumbled in, wearing a rather tight black dress walking in through the door.

"Shut it Berry. Who said I didn't bang a chic-" The girl froze mid-sentence, when she saw Brittany smiling at her. The blonde was taken back by the girl's beautiful raven hair and deep brown eyes.

Santana just stood there smirking back at Brittany observing her. Brittany's long, golden locks of blonde hair, mesmerizing blue eyes, and adorable smile made Santana's mind go to dirty places.

"Oh please tell me you didn't have another Lilith Fair incident. You look like a crazy lady." Rachel sighed.

"Where's the bathroom?" Brittany turned to Kurt, she felt like she was burning up with Santana in her presence.

"Right there." he pointed to a door in the back corner of the open apartment. Brittany slowly stood up, flashing another look in Santana's direction.

Santana was stunned to say the least, Brittany had these gorgeous long legs, and was wearing a tiny tank top, and leggings which hugged her body perfectly. And for a white girl, damn she had an ass.

The blonde closed the door and stared at herself in the mirror after splashing her face with some cold water. Maybe she ate a bit too much, her stomach was twisting and turning.

"Who's the girl?" Santana asked as she sprawled out onto the couch with a glass of water in hand.

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Her name is Brittany, and please don't try to sleep with her."

Santana sighed "You know I don't always think about just sex." Which was a half lie, Santana was always thinking of girls, and sex.

"So how come you aren't fucking some girl right now?" Kurt sassed, while grabbing plates off of the coffee to wash them.

"Bathroom hookup." Santana laughed. Rachel rolled her eyes again. Kurt just sighed in disgust. "What? You asked, I answered." Santana defended. "She wasn't good anyways."

"Who wasn't good?" Brittany asked, emerging from the bathroom. Santana's eyes seemed to find her own quite quickly and Brittany could tell how embarrassed she was.

"About Santana's bathroom hookup." Kurt blatantly answered, not lifting his eyes from the plate he was currently washing.

"I was kidding Lady Lips." Santana claimed, or rather lied. She didn't need Brittany knowing about her casual hookups. It might rub her the wrong way. -heh, wanky-

"Brittany why don't you tell Kurt about why you're here." Rachel asked, aggressively throwing Santana's feet off the couch before slouching down onto it.

"You know I'd like to hear too, Dwarf." Santana scoffed as she put her feet back across the couch on top of Rachel.

"Well I graduated one year late, then after being told I was stupid for most of my life I turned out to be some genius and went to MIT for one year." Brittany laughed as she saw Kurt and Santana's eyebrows furrow. "But it wasn't for me, I love to dance, it's my passion." Brittany smiled as she sat on a chair across from Rachel and Santana.

"Wait so how old are you?" Santana quickly asked, her eyebrows raised slightly.

"Twenty-one." Brittany counted on her fingers. Just then Kurt and Santana's eyebrows shot up.

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