Chapter 4: Sing With Me

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A/N: Sorry for republishing, had to go through and correct some spelling mistakes, whoops!

"Aw Brittany, your apartment's so cute." Rachel cooed as she walked in, karaoke machine in hand.

"Very colorée. I applaud you." Kurt nodded as he scanned the room.

"Thanks my friends from Lima, Tina and Quinn, helped me plan it all out." Brittany smiled proudly as she walked towards her couch. "I also have Lord Tubbington's brew on the counter."

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, while Rachel poured two cups of the alcoholic concoction. "Well how about we sing some karaoke first?"

Just then the bathroom door swung open and out walked Santana.

"Oh hey Gayberry, Lady Hummel." Santana smiled calmly as her attention turned towards the pair.

"You up for karaoke, San?" Brittany smirked, as she looked over from the couch.

"Only if I get to sing with you." Santana giggled, as she reached out to Brittany pulling her off the couch.

"What the fuck is going on?" Kurt nudged Rachel.

"They're just getting along, Santana would've already fucked her if that's what she's going for." Rachel whispered back.

"Dwarf, put on 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody'." Santana commanded as she took the two mics from the karaoke machine and handed one to Brittany.

"Um, okay?" Rachel did as she was told and soon the opening to the classic Whitney song was playing.

"Clock strikes upon the hour, And the sun begins to fade

Still enough time to figure out how to chase my blues away"

Brittany sang into her microphone. Kurt and Rachel were now sitting on the two beanbags in front of Brittany and Santana whispering to each other.

"Is she high?" Kurt whispered, watching Santana sing into the microphone not lifting her eyes off our Brittany.

"She has to be on something." Rachel added. "I've known her for 21 years of my life, and this is the first time she's asked to sing."

"Oh I wanna dance with somebody, I wanna feel the heat with somebody, Yeah I wanna dance with somebody, With somebody who loves me. Oh I wanna dance with somebody, I wanna feel the heat with somebody, Yeah I wanna dance with somebody, With somebody who loves me" the two sang in unison while they danced around the living room.

"Drug's for sure." Kurt declared as he and Rachel cheersed their red cups.

"Don't you wanna dance, say you wanna dance, Don't you wanna dance? Don't you wanna dance, say you wanna dance, Don't you wanna dance?Don't you wanna dance, say you wanna dance? Uh huh. with somebody who loves me."

Brittany spun Santana around and dipped her as the song ended.

"That was amazing, Britt." Santana smiled still in Brittany's embrace.

"Yeah, it was." Brittany giggled before letting go from Santana, and handing the mic to Rachel and Kurt.

"Your turn!" Santana exclaimed a little too happily. She felt like she was on top of the world, her feeling's for Brittany were undeniable. And they weren't sex feelings, well they weren't ALL sex feelings. She wondered how Brittany's skin would feel like on hers, and what she looks like naked, but there was also like feeling feelings, it felt weird at first but now she felt so comfortable around her.

Kurt and Rachel had chosen to sing 'Walk Like An Egyptian' and obviously killed it. Now they were quite a few drinks in (especially Rachel) and were watching Mamma Mia


Just as the TV showed Sophie and Sky on the beach as 'Lay All Your Love On Me' started to play, a slightly tipsy Brittany shot up off the couch.

"Sing this with me please." Brittany pleaded to Santana, who had just been laying between Brittany's arms.

Rachel continued to watch the movie, while Kurt curiously turned his head in their direction, his eyebrows raised in shock as he saw Santana stand up. It was one thing to sing a song with Brittany, but now that she was both singing and dancing to a musical was a whole different story. Wherever dancing, alcohol and Santana was usually ended up with her fucking some girl.

"I wasn't jealous before we met, now every woman I see is a potential threat" Santana sang while dancing around Brittany. Kurt's jaw dropped after hearing Santana's lyric change, and she was smiling, somewhat soberly smiling. And dancing with a girl without grinding on her. This had to be some fever dream.

"And I'm possessive, it isn't nice, You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice, but now it isn't true, now everything is new, and all I've learned has overturned

I beg of you." Santana continued in her raspy voice smiling at Brittany under the dim light.

"Don't go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me" Brittany sang looking into Santana's eyes after spinning her around.

Kurt just watched in awe for the rest of the song. Both Brittany and Santana had beautiful voices, but that wasn't what they were so shocked by. Kurt was so shocked at how happy Santana continuously seemed.


The credits at the end of the movie were rolling. Brittany and Santana were cuddled up on the couch and Kurt was fake sleeping on the bean bags a few feet away from Brittany and Santana, waiting for something to go down. While Rachel had actually fallen asleep.

Santana sat on the couch between Brittany's legs thinking to herself, how someone as nice as Brittany was hanging out with someone so not nice like herself.

"You okay?" The blonde asked looking down at the Latina. Who was tracing circles along her arm.

"Yeah, just a bit tired." Santana replied as she looked into those fucking gorgous blue eyes. Brittany broke eye contact and looked over to Kurt who was 'fast asleep', and Rachel who was actually passed out.

"You can sleepover here, Kurt and Rachel are passed out." Brittany offered returning her gaze to Santana, who was a little hesitant with the blonde's offer. Due to the fact she wasn't sure how much longer she could last resisting the urge to kiss her.

"Please sleepover." Brittany pouted, luckily for her, that pout could convince anyone, even Satan herself.

"Fine." Santana sarcastically grunted, as she settled further into Brittany's arms. Brittany loved the feeling of Santana cuddled into her.

No, Brittany loved the feeling of Santana.

And little did they know, Kurt had been listening the entire time, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing, Santana was so whipped by Brittany it was funny. And while all this was going down, Rachel just laid there with a pile of drool spilling out her mouth. Charming. 

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