Chapter 3: Tell Me About you

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 Brittany had just finished her last class for Thursday, kinesiology, and was just heading to Starbucks, trying to prepare herself for the long subway ride back.

"Hey Brittany!" a voice boomed out through the crowded hallway.

Brittany turned around to see Rachel running through the crowd towards her.

"Hey Rach, we're still on for tonight?" Brittany excitedly smiled as Rachel attempted to catch her breath.

"Of course! Kurt just texted me to confirm what movie to bring." Rachel explained, with a smile plastered on her face.

Brittany had invited Kurt, Rachel and Santana over to her place for a movie/karaoke night. "He has America, Rent or Mamma M-" Rachel was interrupted by Brittany's gasp.

"I love, love, love Mamma Mia!" Brittany beamed, it had always been a guilty pleasure of hers.

"Awesome, I'll text Kurt!" Rachel smiled as she turned away from Brittany.

"Wait," Brittany reached out to grab Rachel's wrist. "Do you wanna come to Starbucks with me? I'm gonna need a drink to keep me awake after that class." Brittany smiled.

"Sorry I wish I could, but I have to go clean the studio due to mine and Cassie's little talk the other day." Rachel sighed.

Everyday, ever since Rachel arrived at Julliard three years ago Ms July had been up her ass. Usually she'd ignore her, but lately she has stood up for herself which earned her a spot on Cassie's cleaning team of one.

"Aw, that suck's. I can help you?" Brittany offered.

"No it's okay, I'll see you at 7." Rachel waved goodbye as she once again turned around and ran down the hall.


Brittany was just waiting in line when someone stumbled into her. She quickly spun around and caught the person who bumped into her from falling.

"Jesus fucking Christ," the person snarked. Brittany and the person made eye contact. It was Santana, whose face turned a light shade of pink as she recognized Brittany.

"Brittany, I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Santana stuttered out. Hearing herself apologize was weirder than she thought it would be.

Brittany giggled, "hey don't worry. It's okay." Santana had just about melted into a pile of goo when she heard Brittany's giggle. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, um sorry again." Santana apologized, as she admired the way the sun shone down onto Brittany's ivory complexion, her majestic blue eyes glistened with affection.

"Don't sweat it." Brittany smiled sweetly looking back into Santana's dark brown orbs.

"Let me buy you a drink." Santana blurted out. Usually that was Santana's way of saying 'let me fuck you' but not this time, she actually wanted to just buy Brittany a drink.

"No I'll buy it for you, I was the person in the way." Brittany giggled. Santana's heart jumped a beat as she heard that giggle again. Brittany just was just flawless inside and out, it continuously amazed Santana.

"You okay?" Brittany asked, the funny stomach feeling coming back as she continued to stare into Santana's eyes.

Santana snapped out of her thoughts, and smiled "Um, yeah sorry. I zoned out."

Brittany returned the smile, as they continued to stare into each other's eyes ignoring everything else around them.

"Next." The guy behind the counter obnoxiously yelled. Snapping the two out of their trance.

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