Chapter 18: Trying Something Different

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"What are you going to get her?" Quinn asked.

"I DONT KNOW THATS THE PROBLEM!!" Santana screamed into her phone. Her and Quinn had gotten relatively close ever since the trip to Ohio two weeks ago.

It was now almost the middle of December and Christmas was coming up. Santana had been writing a list of things to get Brittany since early October. Everything seemed dumb at this point.

"Engraved necklace? Why would I even write down that? I sound like a fucking id-"

"Santana." Quinn interrupted. "That's perfect. Simple. Sweet. Brittany will love it."

"It sounds so cliché," Santana debated. "It needs to be better, it needs to be perfect for Brittany."

Quinn let out a long sigh. "Anything you give Brittany will be perfect. You could give her a pile of dirt and she'd coo over it. You know why?"

"Why?" Santana sighed.

"Because you are perfect to her, and she will love anything you give her because it's from you. She doesn't care about the quality or price of the gift, she cares that it's from you." Quinn spurted out all in one breath, not stuttering once.

"Really?" Santana released a breath she didn't even realize was being held in.

"I've never seen Brittany look at someone the way she does when she looks at you." Quinn laughed. "Not even Sam."

Santana reflected on Quinn's words. She knew her and Brittany were in love, very in love at that fact. But to hear someone else mention the way Brittany looks at her, and the fact she hadn't ever looked at anyone else like that made Santana's stomach do flips.

"Thank you, Quinn." Santana breathed out once she snapped out of her train of thought.

"You're welcome," Quinn replied. "Also, don't be so nervous. Britt called me with the same worry."

Before Santana could respond, Quinn hung up. The Latina giggled at the thought of her girlfriend panicking about the same thing. Without wasting any time, Santana grabbed her coat and went out to get Brittany's gift.


I'll be up there in 5 -San <3

Brittany's phone buzzed on the counter. They hadn't seen each other in a few days due to exams. There was only just over a week until Christmas, and Brittany couldn't wait. She had Santana's gift wrapped carefully under the small Christmas tree in her living room. It took some anxiety filled phone calls to both Tina and Quinn, but she had it now and she knew it was perfect.

Before Brittany could type out a reply, a knock came from the front door. A large smirk came upon Brittany's face as she skipped towards the front door to greet the Latina.

"Hey stranger," Santana smiled as she pressed her lips to Brittany's cheek.

"That's all I get?" Brittany whined as Santana slid past her holding a white cardboard box.

"For now," Santana winked as she put the small container on the counter.

"What's in the box?" Brittany asked, placing her hands on Santana's waist as she rested her head on the shorter girl's shoulder.

"Cronuts from the new bakery down the street," Santana answered as she whipped open the top, revealing the delicious looking pastry.

"Cronut?" Brittany furrowed her brows.

"Like a croissant and donut," Santana said as she shoved a cronut into Brittany's mouth. A soft moan coming from the blonde. "That good, huh?"

"That's amazing." Brittany laughed as she swallowed the dessert.

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