Chapter 19: Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve. Brittany's favourite night of the year, other than the ones when her and Santana have awesome lady sex.

Meet you in 5? - Britt

I'll be in the lobby - San <3

Brittany smiled as she read Santana's text before she threw on her fluffy coat, her favourite blue beanie and grabbed the small decorative bag off of her kitchen table and headed out the door. She had planned this outing about a week ago immediately when the idea came to her. It was what she called "part 1" of her Christmas present to Santana.

"Hey," Brittany smiled as she spotted a certain Latina waiting for her.

"Hey," Santana mumbled against Brittany's lips as she gave her a light peck.

"You dressed warm enough?" Brittany asked, taking the girl's hand in her own. Santana nodded in response.

"No you aren't." Brittany smiled as she pulled a rose coloured beanie from the bag, that was identical to her own just in a different colour, and placed it on Santana's head, before brushing some raven hair out of her face. "That's better."

"Much better," Santana smiled as she placed another kiss on Brittany's lips. The two then linked hands and walked out into the cold evening.

The subway stopped at the familiar 66 St-Lincoln Ctr, and the pair walked out hand in hand towards Times Square.

"You want hot chocolate?" Brittany smiled, as she lightly squeezed Santana's hand.

"Sure," Santana nodded. The pair quickly made their way into a Starbucks. They quickly ordered their drinks before making their way back out into the streets.

"So what are we doing here?" Santana asked while sipping on her drink.

"Follow me," Brittany smirked as she led Santana through the busy streets of New York as snow fell from the sky. They made their way to where they had spent their very first date. Central Park.

Christmas lights lit the pathway, vendors on each side selling crafts and baked goods. Brittany and Santana took their time scanning through each stand, but that wasn't Brittany brought the girl here for.

"Are you ready to go?" Brittany said pointing to the carousel. A smile came upon Santana's face as she nodded.

Brittany paid for the ride and she went to the exact horse Santana had ridden the first time here.

"Hop on." Brittany smiled as she padded the small spot in front of her.

Santana obeyed and climbed onto the horse. "You remembered the exact horse?" Santana laughed.

"How could I forget." Brittany stated as the ride began. This time Santana didn't clench down on her jaw, but instead she leaned back into the blonde and hummed.

"You know I was right here when I knew I loved you." Santana giggled as she connected her eyes to Brittany's.

"Really?" Brittany said as if it was shocking.

"When did you know?" Santana said, biting her lip.

Brittany didn't even have to think. "From the second I met you I was in love, it just took Sam coming back for me to realize it."

Santana looked into Brittany's blue eyes, she was looking at the love of her life. Yes, love of her life. "I'll love you forever."

"I'll love you forever too, Santana Diabla Lopez." Brittany smiled as she pressed a kiss to the Latina's lips as the ride came to a halt. "C'mon."

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