Chapter 6: Snix's Night Out

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"What up yo!" A guy in a wheelchair said as he rolled towards the four waiting by the front doors.

"Artie, this is Brittany. Brittany, this is Artie." Rachel said as she introduced the two. Artie's eyebrows instantly went up as he checked out Brittany, well Brittany's ass. Santana rolled her eyes in disgust, 'men are all trash' she thought to herself.

"Lemme just say Brittany, you are hawwt." Artie exclaimed, she heard Santana scoff, and just replied with a warm smile.

"Hey pretty mamas!" a girl, with a few others appeared in front of them all.

"Mercedes! This is Brittany." Rachel pointed towards the girl in a black halter dress. This time instead of a compliment, Brittany received a whole ass bear hug. Once Mercedes released Brittany from her hug, she introduced her to the rest of the people behind her.

"Brittany, that is Puck," she pointed to a guy with a stupid looking mowhawk and a douchy smile. "That's Blaine." Brittany remembered Kurt's boyfriend, by both the name and colourful bow tie matching Kurt's teal pants. "That's Finn, Rachel's man," she pointed to a tall, goofy looking dude, "And that's Puck's brother, Jake." Once everyone had met Brittany they instantly went into a giant booth and got an ass load of booze. Everything from tequila to whole bottles of champagne. Soon everyone was laughing, drinking and reminiscing about their childhood, everyone except Brittany and Santana.

"So Brittany where you from?" Puck asked, winking at Brittany. Once again Santana rolled her eyes.

"Ohio." She bluntly answered, she wasn't exactly in the best mood. Before Puck could ask any further, she excused herself from the table and went outside to call Quinn.

"I fucked up, Q." Brittany sighed. She felt completely embarrassed, she couldn't believe she had been so stupid. Yes, stupid.

"What the hell happened?" Quinn yelled in shock. Brittany sighed deeply, she wasn't too sure what even happened. It all went down so fast, it was nearly unexplainable.

"I don't know," Brittany pressed her lips together, fighting back tears. "I kissed her, she kissed me back." Brittany continued as Quinn hummed in response. "Then pulled away and she told me she shouldn't have." Brittany finished as the tears started streaming down her face.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay." Quinn assured Brittany. Something then clicked in Brittany's head, she felt the sudden urge to not give two fucks and go get absolutely blackout drunk so she could forget this all.

"You're right, I don't care about her. I'm gonna go live my best fucking life, and go crazy." Brittany laughed as she wiped her tears away. Quinn knew this wasn't a good idea.

"Brittany, are you sure that's the best idea? You know since you go al-." Quinn reasoned before being interrupted by Brittany hanging up. "Fuck," Quinn muttered.

Brittany then stormed back into the club and straight to the bar, ignoring her friends calling her from the booth.

"Three shots of bacardi 151." She demanded the bartender.

"Miss you know that alcohol is very strong," the female bartender warned.

"Yes, put it on Artie's tab." Brittany interrupted. Just when the girl put the three shots in front of Brittany with a lemon someone spun her around by the waist.

"Brittany, what are you doing?" a concerned Santana asked, looking into Brittany's eyes.

"Hey Lopez," the bartender winked. Santana must've slept with her at some point or something. Brittany just rolled her eyes and downed all three shots.

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