Chapter 13: Close Call

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"I win!" Olivia cheered as her tiny arms flew in the air.

"Again?!" Santana dramatically sighed in defeat. "Who knew you were such a pro at Connect 4." The Latina giggled.

"Britty, go on Tana's team." The little girl demanded, "maybe then you can win." Olivia playfully teased. Who knew a 6 year old could trash talk.

"Olivia!" Brittany laughed as she joined the Latina on the floor. "It's not Santana's fault she can't beat a little kid." The blonde teased, earning a light punch on the arm from the Latina.

"Alright kid," Santana furrowed her eyebrows, pretending to be mad. "I'm not gonna let you win this time."

"Sorry to interrupt your game," Mrs Pierce appeared in the doorway of the bright pink room. "Livy, it's almost 10. Bedtime."

"Okayy," the little girl whined as she started putting away the game. "Can we play tomorrow?"

"Of course, sweetie." Mrs Pierce assured Olivia as the two walked into the en suite. Yes, a 6 year old had a bathroom connected to her bedroom.

"This isn't over, Livia." Santana called out to the little girl, who quickly sprinted out of the bathroom and jumped at Santana, engulfing her in a warm hug.

"I like you, Tana." Olivia smiled as she buried her head into the neck of the Latina.

"Back off she's mine," Brittany teased as she looked at her sister. Receiving a raspberry from the child before she ran back into the bathroom.

"You two are adorable," Santana giggled as Brittany helped her off the floor.

"I know," Brittany smirked as she wrapped her fingers around Santana's. "What do you wanna do?"

"Up to you." Santana said as the two made their way into Brittany's room.

"I was hoping you'd say that," the blonde smiled as she pinned Santana to the back of the door, holding her hands above her head.

"Britt what if you're parent's hear," Santana objected, despite being completely turned on.

"Don't worry, they're room's on the opposite side of the hall." Brittany said before she attached her lips to Santana's. Her tongue sliding across Santana's bottom lip, which she quickly opened further to give Brittany access.

Their lips moved together as Brittany's tongue battled Santana's for dominance.

"Fuck," Santana mumbled into Brittany's mouth, quickly feeling the smirk of the blonde's against her lips. Her panties were completely soaked from Brittany just kissing her.

A mischievous giggle escaped Brittany's throat as she adjusted her leg to press against Santana's clothed centre.

"Holy shit, you're wet." The blonde whispered as she disconnected her lips from Santana's, and started giving light kisses to her caramel neck, which quickly turned into sucking and light biting.

"Shirt." Santana demanded as she tugged on the bottom of Brittany's sweater. The blonde quickly and swiftly obliged revealing her white bra, and killer abs, which Santana ran her hands up and down, Brittany softly moaning at every contact.

"Britt," Santana whispered out as the blonde sucked on her pulse point.

"Mhm," the blonde mumbled against the Latina's caramel skin.

"Bed." Santana demanded as she caught her breath. She felt the blonde's smile against her skin as they backed up towards the bed.

"Mm," Brittany mumbled, her back hitting the queen sized mattress as Santana straddled her waist. The Latina quickly attached her mouth to Brittany's after taking off her shirt, revealing a black lace bra.

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