Chapter 25: The Rachel Berry New Years Extravaganza

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It was the day of "The Rachel Berry New Years Extravaganza" and to say Brittany was excited, would be an understatement. While Santana, on the other hand, had spent a good chunk of the day pacing around the apartment for "no particular reason".

They were just getting ready now as the clock neared 10 pm. Rachel's party had started at 8, but due to some lady sex in the shower, Britt and San were running a bit late.

"Lookin good," Santana giggled as she walked into the bedroom, where Brittany was examining herself in the mirror. The blonde's curled hair flowing freely over the jean jacket she wore, paired with skinny jeans, a tight white tank top.

"Right back at you," Brittany winked as she scanned her eyes over Santana. Her hair was straight and she wore a blue and white patterned dress that hugged her body perfectly, displaying her curvy hips and slim waist.

"Thank you," Santana smiled as she threw her arms around the taller girl's neck, pulling her close for a kiss.

"You okay?" Brittany whispered as she disconnected their lips.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be," Santana snapped back, harsher than she intended. "Sorry."

"Your heart's beating really fast," Brittany observed as their chests were pressed together. "I thought you were having a heart attack."

"Nope," Santana snorted. "It's just the effect you have on me."

Which was the truth... mostly.

Brittany let out a giggle as she gazed into Santana's brown orbs. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, yeah." Santana nodded as Brittany released her embrace on the girl. "I'll meet you down there actually."

"Oh, um, okay?" The blonde shrugged. She wondered why Santana wanted to meet down at Rachel's instead of them going together. It would make sense for them to go together, right? Even a non MIT-genius could figure that out. Britt, however, decided to not question it, and left the apartment, champagne bottle in hand, and headed downstairs to apartment 519.

As soon as Santana heard the door close she dashed towards the kitchen. She opened the fridge, and grabbed out the chinese takeout box. What was filled with spicy sweet and sour chicken, had now been the hiding spot for Brittany's ring. Santana knew Britt wouldn't go near it since she hated chicken.

She carefully pulled out the plastic bag that protected the ring, opened it up, and picked out the black velour jewelry box. Santana inhaled deeply as she opened the box, the light immediately catching the diamond, reflecting a blue shine that made Santana's lips form a smile.

Her gaze on the ring was quickly broken as her phone buzzed on the counter.

You ready? - Finn

Is anyone really ever ready for anything? - Santana

Yes. You've got this. I'll see you in a bit. - Finn

Santana exhaled as she read Finn's response. She knew he was right deep down, but the nerves were really getting to Santana. She shook her head, stuffed the ring in her bra, and out the door she went.

"Hi everyone!" Santana smiled nervously as all eyes landed on her. Brittany quickly made her way over to Santana, which helped the Latina calm down a bit.

"There's Satan!" Blaine chuckled as he and Kurt walked towards the two.

"Here I am!" Santana giggled trying to cover the shakiness in her voice. Thankfully no one acknowledged it and carried the conversation on.

"Hey," Finn cheered, as he came up to the two girls, giving them both hugs.

"I love your dress," Rachel smiled as she came up and gave Santana and Brittany an unexpected hug. "You two look great. Enjoy!"

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