Chapter 23: I Called It Pierce

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"I would like to marry Brittany."

Nothing but silence came from the other end of the line. Finn's leg bouncing on the ground as Santana's eyes darted through his soul. The Latina's heart was the loudest thing in the busy diner. The silence was eating at her, she wasn't sure how much longer she would last before passing out.

"H-hello?" Santana stuttered out once she couldn't take it any longer. "Are you still there?"

The continuous silence nearly made Santana hang up, until she finally got a response.

"Sorry I must've muted this thing," Mrs Pierce finally responded.

"Oh okay," Santana breathed, letting out a long sigh of relief. There were small mumbles on the other end of the line, which Santana couldn't quite make out.

"Santana," Mr Pierce spoke this time. "You want to marry mine and Whitney's, Brittany?"

His usual goofy, happy sounding voice was now deep and serious. Which only made Santana more nervous as her eyes now looked down to her lap.

"That's co-correct." Santana gulped.

"I've been waiting for this day, I called it Pierce!" Mrs Pierce cackled.

"Oh my god, our little Brit-Brat's gonna get married!" Mr Pierce screamed happily.

Santana's heart felt like it had stopped. "W-wait, do I have pe-"

"Yes! Yes, of course!" Mrs Pierce giggled. "I couldn't allow anyone better to marry my baby."

Mrs Pierce's words seeped into Santana's brain. It took her awhile to process everything just said, but once it did, she shot up from the booth.

"Oh my god. They said yes! Yes!" Santana cheered as she hugged some random stranger that smelt an awful lot like shit.

"Yes?" Finn gasped.

"Yes!" Santana screamed as Finn engulfed her in a giant hug. "I'm going to marry her."

Finn and Santana stayed hugging in the middle of the diner, until she pulled away and looked up at the much taller.

"Um, what do I do now?" Santana snorted.

"Oh right. Um, act like everything's normal?" Finn suggested. "Britt's probably wondering where you are."

There was a new ring in Brittany's name that made those butterflies in Santana's stomach flutter faster.

"Right." Santana said, grabbing her coat from the booth. "So where do I get the ring, oh my god what if she says-"

"San," Finn sighed, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, I'll call you to talk about going to get the ring, and everything else. Just relax for the time being."

"Okay," Santana sighed, placing three dollars on the table. "Thank you, Finn."

"Anytime," he smiled before pulling Santana in for one last hug.


"Britt, I'm home!" Santana called through the sunset-lit apartment as she entered. She slipped off her coat and shoes before hearing a response.

"I'm in the bedroom!" The blonde's voice called out. "Come here."

"Coming!" Santana yelled back. Wanky. The Latina giggled to herself before entering the bedroom.

"Hey," Brittany giggled as Santana's voice got stuck in her throat. The blonde was laying on the bed completely naked, the sunset reflecting off of her skin. "I missed you."

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