Chapter 9: To Be In Love With Someone

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The November morning sun shined through the big windows Brittany's bed faced. The blonde opened her eyes first, euphoria still lingering in the air. She slowly sat up looking out the window, the morning rush of cars and people flooded the streets below.

"Mmm," a quiet hum followed by a shuffle came from beside Brittany. A bare Santana layed there, cute as could be, cuddled into Brittany's naked waist, the pale grey duvet being the only thing covering their exposed bodies. The blonde brushed the soft, sable hair out of Santana's face carefully to ensure she didn't wake her.

"You're beautiful, y'know that?" Brittany whispered, admiring the beauty of the girl that lay beside her before placing a kiss on her forehead. The blonde carefully crept out of bed before being grabbed at the wrist, by a smirking Santana.

"Just gonna leave me?" Santana sleepily giggled in her raspier than usual voice, as she pulled Brittany back into the bed with her. Last night was the best night of her life, the pleasure, intensity, and love was undeniable. Yes, love.

"Never," Brittany smiled as she wrapped her arm around Santana's naked body, pulling her closer. "We can't stay here all day though."

"Yes we can," Santana avowed, placing kisses along Brittany's neck, earning a soft whimper from the blonde. Usually cuddling after sex, or really ever, was a big no no for Santana, but that's all she wanted to do as long as she was with Brittany.


Once the two finally got out of bed it was mid afternoon. Brittany had insisted on taking a shower, and offered Santana to join, but she had other plans, she wanted to make Brittany a late brunch. She had gotten out everything she'd need for waffles, Brittany's favourite food. She had just finished placing the stack of delicious waffles on a plate when someone knocked on the front door.

Santana unplugged the waffle maker before walking towards the door and opening it. A tall blonde haired man, with blue eyes matching Brittany's stood before her.

"Oh sorry," he apologized as he saw Santana, his eyes moving to look down at his phone. "Is Brittany here?" He asked, lifting his eyes back to Santana's.

"Um, yeah." Santana answered, examining the boys' rather large lips that were almost trout-like. "I didn't know Brittany had a brother?" The boy opened his mouth to speak but Santana had already turned and walked away.

"Britt, your brother's here?" Santana yelled down the hall as she made her way to the bathroom. She knocked on the door before opening it to see Brittany wrapped up in a blue towel. "Hey, um," Santana got distracted as her eyes ran down the blonde's long legs. "I didn't know you had a brother, I thought you only had a younger sister?"

A puzzled look came upon Brittany's face, "I don't have a brother." She told Santana, who was just confused as her. A look of terror came upon her face as she bolted out of the bathroom past Santana, who quickly followed her out fearing that someone was sent to kill them. But it was worse that she would have believed.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" Brittany yelled at the fellow blonde that was now standing in the living room. Santana's blood boiled hearing his name, the boy that hurt Brittany, the most lovable person is the girl he hurt.

"I'm here to see you," Sam responded smiling, his guppy lips taking up half his face. Santana's fist clenched, the urge to charge at him heating up. Brittany just stood there in confusion. She hadn't heard from Sam for almost 6 months and now here he was, standing in Brittany's apartment in New York City, hundreds of miles from where he should be, in Louisville.

"I still love you, Brittany." Sam admitted looking Brittany directly in the eyes. Santana winced, hearing someone else say the three words to Brittany she didn't have the guts to. The fire burning stronger within her. "I'm here for football, I'm playing NYU Thursday night and I needed to see you."

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