Chapter 17: Thankful For You

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After a small nap, the four found themselves sitting at the large dinner table, eating and talking.

"So how was Mike's?" Mrs Pierce asked, lifting a spoonful of mashed potato to her mouth. She had always been like a second mother to both Quinn and Tina, so asking personal questions was never out of the ordinary.

"It was good," Tina shrugged.

"It happened again," Mrs Pierce giggled to herself. Tina just nodded before changing the subject.

"So what are the teams this year?"

"Teams?" Santana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Britt, did you really not tell San?" Quinn gasped.

"Nope, I wanted to surprise her." Brittany smiled before turning towards Santana who sat beside her. "Y'know how I talked about having a 'Pierce Thanksgiving'?"

"Mhm," Santana hummed, as everyone else dug into the turkey, yam, potato and dinner rolls that sat on their plates.

"Well, every year after dinner we have a cookie contest." Brittany explained happily. "We all go into teams and see who can make the best cookies without a recipe."

"Mhm, past 2 years, me and Tina have won." Quinn bragged, perking her lips out.

"Wait no recipe?" Santana fretted. "I don't wanna give you guys salmonella or something."

"Don't worry," Brittany slightly giggled. "You have a pro baker on your team. Me!"

Everyone let out a soft laugh at Brittany's seriousness, before Mr Pierce spoke up.

"I'm the judge this year, alongside Whitney and Livy" Mr Pierce announced. "The teams are; Brittana vs Quinn and Tina."

"Brittana?" Quinn raised her eyebrows, a small giggle escaping her lips.

"Y'know Brittany and Santana together. Brittana." Mr Pierce chuckled at his own words.

"Get ready to lose girls," Brittany warned, staring everyone in the eye.


"Here," Brittany said, throwing an apron over Santana's head. Everyone had finished eating and they were now standing in the kitchen, prepared to start baking.

"Okay, everyone has their station ready?" Mr Pierce asked walking around the kitchen. "Ready, set, go!"

"What do we do?" Santana panicked watching everyone start to pour flour and sugar into bowls.

"What's your favourite cookie?" Brittany asked, measuring out the flour. Santana started giggling at the dirty thoughts that popped into her mind before receiving an elbow from Brittany. "You're so nasty."

"Snickerdoodles?" Santana sighed out, she never really had thought about her favourite cookie.

"Me too," Brittany smiled, she wasn't too sure why she hadn't baked with Santana before since she loved it, and what's better than doing something you love with someone you love?

"What should I do?" Santana asked fiddling with her fingers. It was really cute how nervous she was.

"Here," Brittany said, handing the Latina a large mixing bowl. "Measure out ⅓ cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon. This'll be the mixture we drop the cookies into. Okay?"

"Okay." Santana nodded before receiving a kiss on her cheek from Brittany. Making her feel a little less nervous.

"15 minutes left, ladies!" Mr Pierce called out before walking out of the kitchen.

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