Chapter 14: Coffee & Roller Rinks

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"Britty!" Olivia cheered as she bursted into Brittany's room, jumping onto the bed where Santana and Brittany were sleeping.

"Livy!" Brittany yelled kicking Santana in the butt, as she pulled the covers further up her bare body.

"What the f-" Santana groaned as her eyes squinted open. "W-what's going on kiddo?"

"Why's there undies everywhere?" Olivia asked as she jumped up and down on the bed. "Why's Britty naked?"

"Oh um," Santana stuttered.

"Liv, how about you go downstairs." Brittany suggested, trying to hide the redness in her face.

"Okay," Olivia sang out as she hopped off the bed. "Brecky is ready too." the little girl added as she closed the door.

"Why's Britty naked?" Santana mimicked the little girl as she put on her sweatpants.

"Shut up," Brittany laughed as she sat up. "I think I just traumatized her."

"I would be if I saw that," Santana gestured at Brittany's body.

"Oh please, you love all of me," Brittany scoffed.

"Maybe just a bit," Santana teased as she leaned in, closing the gap between the two. Their lips quicking moving together as the Latina straddled the blonde.

"Mm," Santana moaned before Brittany pulled away.

"What are you doing?" Santana whined at the loss of contact. "I wants to get my mack on."

"I know," Brittany giggled as she slipped off the bed and put on the first pieces of clothing she found. "I just wanted to tease you."

"You're lucky I love you, Pierce." Santana grumbled as she got off the bed.

"I love you, too." Brittany smiled as she kissed the Latina's cheek. "Now let's go eat, and act like no one heard us having awesome lady sex last night."

The two walked downstairs and were greeted by the smell of delicious pancakes.

"Morning girls," Mrs Pierce smiled. "Cinnamon apple pancakes and fruit are on the table, if you want any special drinks just look in the fridge."

"Thank you, Mrs- Whitney." Santana smiled.

"Thanks Mom," Brittany said as she took Santana's hand and walked over to the large table.


"Mm, Britt these are so good!" Santana exclaimed, her mouth full of food.

"Mhm," Brittany hummed in agreement. "So I have a little plan for today, before Quinn and Tina show up. Only if you're up for it?"

"Sure," Santana replied as she sipped her glass of water. "Do I get to know this plan?"

"Nope," the blonde smiled as she took her and Santana's empty plates away.

The pair then walked back upstairs, to Brittany's room.

"Is this good?" Santana asked, holding a black knit sweater up.

"Perfect," Brittany replied as she threw on a bright blue crewneck. "Just make sure you have a tshirt under."

"Okay," the Latina smirked. "I'm ready to go on this mystery date."

"I can't wait for you to see what I've planned." Brittany smiled as she took Santana's hand. The two made their way outside, and into Brittany's car.

"The Lima Bean?" Santana read as Brittany pulled into the parking lot of the building.

"Yup," the blonde smiled as she opened the passenger side door for the Latina. Santana took her hand.

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