What if it came true? [Chester]

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Chester's POV:

I woke up to someone crying and screaming, I jolted my head up and saw Y/N was having a nightmare.


Y/N's eyes opened widely. She jolted up and rubbed her face full of tears and sweat.

"Y/N?" I placed my hand on her shoulder, she looked at me with this gorgeous eyes that was full of tears. I pulled her into a bear hug and stroked her hair.

"You're okay, love. You're okay"
"Ssh baby, it was just a nightmare. Do you wanna talk about it?" I kissed her hair.
"I-I dreamt that someone mur-murdered you and at your fu-neral, they lit you on f-fire" She cried into my chest.
"Ssh baby, that's not gonna happen. It'll never happen"
"But what if it does?! What if it came true, Chester. I might never see you again"
"It will never come true, baby girl. Never, look, I'm here and I'm okay"
"I-I guess you're right"
"Don't ever think that again baby. I told you that we're inseparable, right?"

Y/N sniffed and nodded.
"So remember that, love"
"I love you, Chester. Thank you"
"I love you even more, munchkin. And I'll do anything to keep you safe and happy"
Y/N smiled and I placed a kiss on her nose.
"You wanna try and sleep, bub?"
Y/N wiped her tears and nodded.
"Okay my baby" I wiped her tears.

Y/N and I laid back down and she placed her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rubbed her hip gently.

"Sleep, bubba. I've got you, always"
"C-Can you sing to me please, Chazzy?"
I giggled.
"Sure, my princess"

I brought Y/N close to be the started singing Give me your name, the song I wrote for Y/N. As I sang, I massaged her inner thigh because I knew when I do that, she relaxes. Instantly, I felt Y/N relax and fall asleep. Small snores escaped from her cute mouth.

I smiled at Y/N and kissed her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my angel"

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