Chapter 7

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        It was finally Friday.  I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.  A chance to get over what happened this week.  Not that everything has been terrible, but it'd be nice to push the whole Gabe situation even further into the past.  I would be able to get a break from Amanda's worrying about my "relationship" issues.  And god, did I need that.

        "So here's my theory," Amanda said as she mutilated the food on her tray.  Mystery meat or lasagna?  "I think the reason Gavin beat up Kyle because he didn't have the product ready."


        "The drugs, duh."

        "You really need to stop with this theory," I said pushing my tray away.  "If you would talk to him for just a few minutes I'm pretty sure you'd be friends with him as well."

        "I'll pass," she said finally taking a bite out of her food.  "I'm telling you, there was something wrong with Gabe and I have a feeling there's something wrong with Kyle."

        "You can think all you want, but so far there is still no evidence of Gabe cheating.  Just evidence of an asshole not having the balls to break up with his girlfriend face-to-face."

        "Suit yourself," she said getting up to throw her trash away.  "But if you find out any point in time that I was right, I get to say 'I told you so.'"


        Once again, Kyle waited for me by his car.

        "How was your day," he asked as he took my violin and backpack from me.

        "Good, yours?"

        "Just fine," he said as he closed the door for me.  He got into the car and turned on some music. It was something I didn't recognize.

        "What CD is this," I asked, hugging my knees and getting comfortable.

        "You don't know A Day To Remember?"


        "Well, then you have much to learn," he said taking our usual route home.  We listened to the CD in silence.  I assumed he wanted me to get a feel for the music.  They weren't bad.  Finally he spoke.  "Sorry that I didn't text last night.  I was totally planning to but I got busy-"

        "It's totally fine," I said with a little relief.  So he did wanted to text me.

        "I was hoping that maybe we could hang out tonight actually."

        "And do what?"

        "I don't know," he said stopping at a stoplight.  "You've been here longer than I have.  What do teenagers like us do on Friday nights, in Albany, MD?"

        "I was totally getting ideas, until you reminded me on where we live."  He laughed at the fact there was absolutely nothing to do in our town.  Our town was for old folks who came from the city to unwind and grow old gracefully surrounded by mountains and tall oaks.  But for teenagers, it was a ghost town.

        "Let me guess, strolling around the mall just for the heck of it is off the table," he asked as the light turned green.

        "Definitely.  And don't forget the fact that decent shopping is scarce, so that is also off the table."

        "Well, thank god.  I was afraid I'd have to watch you shop," he said jokingly.

        "I'm a girl, it's what we do," I said laughing.

        "I know, I'm just glad we ruled it out."

        "Well, then what would you like to do," I said as I crossed my arms.

        "I got it!"

        "Yes?"  We arrived at my house and he put the car in park.

        "Just meet me here in your driveway at 7," he said looking at me.  I could see that the gears in his head were turning by the look on his face.  What was this boy planning?

        "Okay, boss," I said grabbing my stuff from the backseat.  He beat me to the punch by opening the door for me.

        "So I'll see you then," he asked closing the door and sticking his hands in his pockets.

        "Yes you will."


        It was 6 o'clock by the time my dad arrived home from work.  Bebe happily greeted him at the door, giving him kisses as he picked her up.  I was in the kitchen making tea to pass the time and subside my hunger.  I hope Kyle had an idea on a place to eat.

        "Hey, Izzy," my dad said, coming into the kitchen and setting his paperwork down on the table.  He took off his jacket and hung it on the chair.  "What are you up to?  Don't eat anything we are going out to dinner soon."

        "I won't, don't worry.  I'm hanging out with Kyle tonight at 7," I said taking my mug out of the microwave and dropping the teabag in.

        "Who's Kyle?"

        "Dad..."  My father was always oblivious to my social life, even when they came over.  Sometimes it came in handy, but most of the time it was annoying to have to explain who people were to them.  It's not like he was old enough to get Alzheimer's.  I'd get worried and when that day comes.  But for now, it was okay to be bothered.

        "What?  I don't know who Kyle is."

        "Of course you do.  He lives on the other side of the neighborhood?  He drove me home the past two days,"  I explained to him, seeing if any lightbulbs were flickering in his mind.

        "Oh..."  I rolled my eyes and took my tea to drink in my room.  "So you're not eating dinner with us then," he called down the hall.

        "No, I'll probably eat with Kyle," I said, shutting my bedroom door.

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