Past Lives (Kyle)

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*Spring 2011*

        It was a chilly March day at Rocky Lake.  The fog floated on top of the water, making it hard to see the whole man-made body of water.  Today was a field trip for the students who were enrolled in Mr. Harmond's AP Environmental Science class.  I waited in one of the parking lots by the lake with my 1st period class for the other bus of students which my girlfriend, Elizabeth, was on.  It finally arrived 5 minutes later and I smiled as my girlfriend walked towards me.  I gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

        "Good morning, beautiful," I said taking her hand.  "How are you?"

      "Good, now that I'm with you," she said, rubbing her nose against mine.  I looked over her head and saw a girl awkwardly waiting behind her.  "Oh, Kyle, this is my friend Isabella."

        "Hi, nice to meet you," she said a little timidly.

        "Nice to meet you too," I said waving back.

       "Okay, everyone please listen up," Mr. Harmond said over our voices.  "We need to go over rules on  the canoes."


        Me, Elizabeth, and Isabella all agreed to go on a canoe together since there had to be three people.  We grabbed our life jackets and paddles before heading out to the docks where the canoes were laid out.  We all carried the canoe to the rocky shore, stumbling a little from the wet moss growing on the rocks.  I held the canoe down so the girls could get in and then pushed ourselves out into the water.

        "I hope we know how to direct this thing," Elizabeth said, sticking her paddle in the water.

        "How difficult can it be," I asked her, thinking that it would be a breeze.

        It turned out to be anything but a breeze.  At times the rain would sprinkle, causing us to be more cold, including our hands which were exposed to the wet paddles.  Elizabeth did nothing but complain about the dropping temperature and her sore muscles.  Meanwhile, Isabella and I tried to turn the canoe around to head back to shore because of the rain and now wind.  I eventually laughed at the whole thing.  And so did Isabella, throwing her head back in laughter.  I smiled at how she made the best out of everything.

    We finally made it back, being one of the last groups to return.  We high-fived each other for surviving the trip.  The next activity we did was a hike/wading in the river.  This group had to be split into two, so we each counted off.  Isabella and I were both in the same group, the ones who took the hike first.  I said goodbye to Elizabeth for the time being as she put on those long rain boots.  We laughed as we saw her waddle away.

        "How long have you two been together," Isabella asked as we followed behind the group that was led by Mr. Harmond through the woods.

        "For about 3 months," I said.  "We've been friends for a while though."

        "It's not awkward?"

        "No, not really.  Since we are best friends we are already comfortable with each other."

        "That's good," she said, listening to Harmond as he explained the different types of trees that grew in the state of Maryland.

        "What about you," I asked as the group started to move again, "do you have a boyfriend?"

        "Nah, single pringle."

       "Single pringle, huh?"  We walked for about a half an hour and then switched with the group who was in the river.  We both splashed each other in the cold water.  If I would have done this with Elizabeth, she would have complained about getting her hair and clothes wet.  But not Isabella.  She seemed like she was easy-going and playful once she was comfortable around people.  I didn't think that this moment would lead up to many moments with Isabella, and ending my relationship with Elizabeth.

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