{{Chapter 1}} Welcome to the Neighboorhood!

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**********************((Jack's POV))****************

It was any normal Sunday,

Sundays are another word for me as 'stay home and chill' day. Nothing really happens. I'm not really doing anything. Just thinking and staring at the ceiling. I look at my window and all I see is the window of the house next to me and its front lawn.

That house has been for sale for two months. And old, cranky, woman named Mrs. Orgla used to live there but she passed. Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, and I used to play tag on her lawn because it was huge. Mrs. Orgla would always end up yelling at us with her broom to get off her block and chase us off. She was very wealthy so the house was the biggest thing on our Street. I'm suprised someone was able to buy it.

Punzie was standing on the lawn, what she doing there? I decided to go see why. I got up and went outside.
"What are you doing on Old Orgla's lawn?" I asked
"One: This isn't Cranky Orgla's lawn anymore And Two: Im waiting."
"For what?"
"My cousins, they are the ones buying this house, nosy." Then she stuck her tongue at me. "When they come don't embarrass me, so keep on walking along."
"It's seems like Orgla's soul took over your body!" I gasped sarcastically.
"Go away!" She said pushing me away.

I just laughed and decided to just go to Yum Yum Yogurt. I got a chocolate frozen yogurt with sprinkles. Oddly I saw Hiccup there.
"Hey dude!" I said waving.
"Oh Hi Jack." He said coming over my way. I gave him a fist-bump. We talked for a few minutes, about school and stuff.
"Jack did you see the new girls on the street?"
"They are here? Already?" I said shocked. They came fast.
"Yea they are really nice."
"Oh well I have to go, I have to be home by 6:00."
"Ok bye Jack!"

I headed home and continued to eat my frozen yogurt. I wasn't looking where I was going. And I bumped into this girl. Then BAM I knocked her over and accidentally spilled my yogurt on her.
"ANNA!!" screamed Rapunzel.
The girl I guess, Anna, got really mad.
"Are you ok?" I asked. Then I realized that she was actually um, beautiful- wait what am I saying? She must think I'm some weirdo because I am staring at her. She was giving me a weird look.
"Do I look ok? You knocked me over then spilled yogurt on the new clothes I bought!" said Anna angrily.
"Jack I told you NOT to embarrass me then you......you.. EMBARRASS me!" Rapunzel
said and put up her fist at me.
"Um....." I said nervously. Rapunzel just crossed her arms and scowled at me. Anna looked really mad and headed to their house.

I just stood there confused. Just standing there with an empty cup of yogurt. I didn't want to make a bad impression one them, well one of them, no neither of them. But when I looked at Anna I felt, different. What's happening to me??? After a few minutes of just standing I started to walk home.

I couldn't sleep that night. Thinking about what just happened, what kind or jerk spills choclate on someone then knocks them over? Usually I'm the guy who always make friends with them though they are bad or not. But something was different was about her, I can't figure out what. I just need to sleep instead of toss and turn all night. I just hope tomorrow she won't remember what happened yesterday, like, a do-over.


🌸Hai guys Rainbowww here! 🌸
This is my first attempt of making my FanFic.
So please vote and leave nice comments!
I won't be that active because of my insta acc. @the.janna.comic
If I don't get 4 votes by next week I won't continue these.
Baii ~Rainbowww

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