✏Shoto Todoroki[Part 2]

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Summary: Y/N L/N meets Shoto Todoroki's Dad, Part 2

Drabble: "I prefer to stay with my love"

You knocked on your parents' front door. They didn't trust you with a house key, as you were always losing things. After a few moments, a female with H/L H/C and E/C with glasses opened the door. She smiled.

"Hi, Y/N!"

"Hey Mom. I want to introduce you and Dad to somebody"


She smiled once more and let you and Shoto into the house. You both sat at the dining table. Your mother set a cup of tea in front of you.

"Thanks Mom"

"Thank you, Ms. L/N"

"Oh, it's no problem!"

She sat across from the two of you, her own cup of tea in hand.

"Your father isn't here yet, but who did you want to introduce us to?"

You took a deep breath.

"Mom, this is Shoto Todoroki, my boyfriend"

Your mother gasped.

"Boyfriend? Oh, Y/N, I'm so happy that you was able to find somebody!"

At that moment, your father walked into the house.

"Honey, our little Y/N has a boyfriend!"


He turned towards Shoto. Nervousness began to fill Shoto again. Your father held his hand out.

"Welcome to the family"

Shoto shook his hand.

"Thank you, sir"

"No need for formalities. Just call me F/N"

Shoto nodded.

"And you can just call me M/N"


You smiled at the sight.

"This one more thing I would like to ask you, Mom and Dad...."

Shoto and your parents turned to you.

"Can Shoto stay here? At least for a while? Things happened, and..well..."

"Oh course he can stay! He can stay however long he wants!"

Shoto smiled at your parents.

"Thank you F/N and M/N. This is too nice of you"

"Anything for our new family member!"
You took Shoto to your room.

"You could stay with me in my room, if you want. If not, there's a guest room"

Shoto looked at you.

"I prefer to stay with my love"

You smiled at him and he smiled back as you both walked into the room.

BNHA/MHA x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now