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Headcanon: Dating Dabi
❌You were Shigaraki's twin

❌Meaning that when he joined the League, you did as well

❌After a few months of being in the League, you met Dabi

❌You and him quickly became friends

❌During that friendship, you began to have feelings for him

❌You couldn't tell if he liked you back, he wasn't one to show much emotion

❌You had decided to tell him, regardless of the outcome
❌You and Dabi were the only ones at the base since the others had gone on a mission somewhere

❌Dabi just sat around, messing with his flames

❌You nervously walked over to him


❌He hummed, showing that he was listening


❌He turned towards you

"Slow down, I didn't hear what you said-"

You took a deep breath

❌"I like you very much, and I would like to know if you wanted to be my boyfriend"

❌You saw him smirk at you

"What took you so long?"
❌You and Dabi's relationship has been going well

❌He protected you

❌You protected him

❌Nothing wasn't really one-sided

❌Shigaraki didn't have a problem with you dating each other
❌Dabi liked to show you affection, verbally and physically

❌He often complimented you and gave you kisses

❌You only showed verbal affection. The only physical affection you'd show is kissing

❌You didn't want to accidentally use your quirk on him if you hugged him

❌You didn't hold hands with him at all

❌You'd apologize everytime he tried to hold your hand and you pulled away

❌"I'm sorry, Dabi-"

"It's fine, Y/N. It's not a problem!"

❌You'd usually end up crying

❌Dabi comforts you by embracing you and rubbing small circles in your back

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