✏Eijirou Kirishima

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Summary: Eijirou Kirishima is the Best Father

Drabble: "I know you're tired"

A/N: this is like the headcanon one, except when Yohei(yes, I named the son) was still a lil baby
Eijirou's eyes shot up when he heard muffled cries from the room next door. He looked at the time.


He quietly groaned, trying not to wake you. He then got out of bed and headed towards Yohei's room.
Eiji picked up the crying baby.

"Shhh...it's alright....shhhh"

He rubbed Yohei's back, attempting to calm him down. Fortunetly, it worked and Yohei was just burying his face into Eijirou's shirt, quietly babbling. He placed Yohei back into his crib, but he started to cry again.
Eiji picked him up again and he immediately stopped crying. He then sat against a wall.

"Alright, I know you're tired. But I don't think you're gonna sleep without me here with you. But I'm gonna to sing to you, and you will go to sleep"

Yohei just blinked, obviously confused about what his father had said. Eiji began to think of a song to sing to his son. His eyes lit up when he thought of one. He cleared his throat.

(play video above[i couldn't find the actual video for the song, so that's the closest i got])
Eijirou yawned as he saw Yohei sleeping peacefully in his arms. He placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and went to put him in his crib.
He walked back to his room and got back into bed with you. Eiji wrapped his arms around you, his eyes beginning to close. He then planted a kiss on your forehead as well just before he drifted to sleep.

"Why am I such a nice and manly guy???"

Eijirou held Midoriya's kid and Kaminari's kid in his arms. Bakugo's kid was babbling menacingly at Yohei while Todoroki's kid was laying on the couch, probably dead inside. You would've helped him, but you had to go to work. He would've ask Eri(cuz she's a next gen and she's older) and Kota, but they still had school. He would've asked the guys' wives, but they wanted a spa day or something. 'Why can't anybody take care of their own kids??' he thought.
Yohei means soldier in japanese :)

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