✏Katsuki Bakugo

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Summary: Katsuki Bakugo Celebrates his Birthday

Drabble: "Now, let's go eat that cupcake"

"C'mon, Katsuki! It's your birthday! We have to have a party!"

You were currently in your boyfriend, Katsuki's, dorm, with Katsuki laying on his bed. You were trying to convince him to let you and the others throw him a birthday party. But he wouldn't budge.

"I don't want a lame ass party where I'm suppose to get excited over some balloons floating around. It's stupid"

"What do you want to do for your birthday then, Katsuki?"

"Absolutely nothing. It's my birthday, I should be able to spend it how I want"

You sighed.

"Yeah, that's true. Well, I'll see you later"

Katsuki grunted as you left the dorm. You had an idea. Although he didn't want a party, you were still gonna do something for his birthday.
You knocked on Katsuki's door. You heard a few shuffles then a thud.


You snickered at Katsuki's anger. The door swung open.

"What is it, Y/N?"

You handed him a small red bag with a 'happy birthday' balloon tied to it.

"You didn't want a party, so I got you that. Enjoy it"

And with that, you walked off to the common room. Katsuki closed his door and looked at the bag. He slid down to the floor and opened it. He took out a medium sized red velvet cupcake and a box of candles. There was also a lighter. He set the items on the floor next to him and turned the bag upside down, shaking it soon after.

A birthday card fell out. He picked it up and opened it. He went straight to the black writing.
Happy B-day, Katsuki! I took the liberty of buying you the cupcake, candles, and lighter! Hope you like it! XOXO, Y/N❤

Katsuki couldn't help but smile. His smile dissapeared and was replaced with a look of determination. He knew what he had to do.
Katsuki walked into the common room and saw you watching TV. He had knocked at your dorm first, but since you didn't answer, he knew you were here. He walked over and cleared his throat.

"Y/N. I wanna spend my birthday with you. And I'm...."

Katsuki took a deep breath.

"And I'm sorry about being an ass about the party"

You smiled at Katsuki.

"It's fine, Katsuki. But, I'm sorry too, I was forcing you to have a party. I just wanted your birthday to be awesome"

"My birthday is already awesome. I have you to spend it with"

Your smile grew a bit wider as Katsuki pecked your forehead.

"Now, let's go eat that cupcake"

"Thanks for this, Y/N"

"No problem, Katsuki, I just want you to enjoy your birthday"

You smiled as Katsuki ate the cupcake.

"I might consider a party next year"

"Oo! I could invite Kirishima, Midoriya, Kaminari-

"You're overthinking it, ya nerd. I would want a party with a cake, spiked punch, and balloons"

"That would be easier-"

"Mhm. But again, thank you"

You kissed him as a 'your welcome.' He quickly kissed back.

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