✏Katsuki Bakugo/Izuku Midoriya

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Summary: Izuku Midoriya wants to date Y/N Bakugo

Drabble: "Tch, whatever Deku"

There was a knock at the front door and you rushed to get it, already knowing who it was.
You and Izuku were going on your first date. Unfortunately, just as you were almost to the door, your brother Katsuki had already opened it.

"Oh! H-Hey Kacchan, is N/N hom-"

"What are you doing here, Deku?!"

Katsuki lifted Izuku up by his shirt collar.

"Katsuki, calm down! Me and Izu were gonna go a date!"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! I don't want this nerd dating you!"

"Mom and Dad are fine with it, so I don't care about what you have to say about it"

Katsuki glared at you, noticing the outfit you were wearing.

"Go change first"

You grumbled as you went to change. Katsuki dropped Izuku to the ground.

"Why the hell do you want to go out with them? What are your fucking intentions?"

"W-Well, I want to go out with them because they're a lovely person and I only have good i-intentions with them!"

Izuku was obviously nervous. He just wanted to go out with you, not to be beat up by your brother. Katsuki sighed, noticing Izuku's expression.

"You know what, fuck it. I'll let you two go out together. I just want them to be fucking happy"

Izuku smiled. Then, without thinking, he hugged Katsuki.

"Thank you, Kacchan! Thank you, thank you-"

"Tch, whatever, Deku"

He pushed Izuku away and crossed his arms.

"But if they aren't back here by eight, I'm gonna pounding you into the fucking ground"

"Right! O-Of course, Kacchan!"

You came back downstairs in a decent outfit. Katsuki glanced at you.

"If he doesn't treat you right, tell me, alright Y/N?"

You nodded with a smile. Katsuki smiled back.

"Alright, enough of that shit. Go have fun"

You walked outside. Izuku went to follow you, but Katsuki stopped him.

"If they told me that you cheated, you're gonna be six feet under"

A bead of sweat rolled down Izuku's face as he gulped.

"I won't cheat! I promise!"

"You better. Now go and have a good time"

Katsuki shoved Izuku out of the house and closed the door. Izuku grabbed your hand and walked away from your house, still thinking about what Katsuki said and if he meant it or not.

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