✏Shouta Aizawa

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Summary: Shouta Aizawa meets Y/N Fukukado

Drabble: "You're both so different"
You were Ms. Joke's twin, though it'd be hard to tell. Your sister was a jokester, silly, and loud whilst you were serious, plain, and quiet. When you told people that you were related to her, they'd be shocked. The only thing that you both shared was the 'Outburst' quirk. You barely used yours and mainly used your physical training.

Today was the day you'd visit your sister at UA, as she was there for the day. You arrived at a field, where you saw the students training.

"C'mon Eraser, please date me!"




You glanced over and saw your sister talking to somebody. You sighed as you walked over.


Ms. Joke looked at you, a smile on her face. She wrapped her arm around your shoulders.

"Hey, Ms. Serious!

"I told you not to call me that-"

"And I refuse to listen! Anyway, can you help me convince Eraser to date me??"

"No. And he declined your ask as well, no means no"

You hated when your sister would act like a child. You gently pushed your sibling away from you and glanced at 'Eraser'. You then decided to introduce yourself.

"I'm Y/N Fukukado, Joke's twin"

"I'm Shouta Aizawa, a teacher here"

You both shook hands and just stood in silence.

"Eraser! Please, I'm girlfriend material! Please date me!"


Joke went back to begging Shouta as you watched. After about three minutes of that, she went over to the students and began loudly ranting about Shouta.

"You're both so different, it's hard to believe you're related to her"

"Heh, yea. The only evidence that proves we're related is our quirks"


It was silent once more. The only sounds were leaves rustling, the students' quirks, and Joke's ranting.

"How long has she been trying to ask you out?"

"Mm, about a year or so. Since she found out that our hero agencies were next to each other"

"That's fucking crazy-"

You both continued talking about Joke, occasionally laughing at what the other said.
Before you know it, it's the end of the school day. But the two of you haven't noticed yet. Joke came over.

"Hey, can you guys stop flirting? It's time to go"

You both subtly blushed when she said you were flirting. You look towards Shouta, a smile on your face.

"It was nice meeting you, Shouta. I look forward to seeing you again"

Shouta gave you a half smile.

"Same to you, Y/N"

You both waved to each other as you went your seperate ways.

BNHA/MHA x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now