the new crow

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Kageyamas pov

Everyone has secrets.

You can't tell everyone everything cause something's are better left unsaid

I have many secrets

I seem pretty open to my team,they know a lot about my past but they don't know everything.

For example they think I'm single but the truth is I'm dating my old Senpais iwaizumi and oikawa, only Suga san knows this but I like it that way.

I also have an ex......

He was not what you would call "normal" he was crazy, he forced me to do things I didn't want to....

And all because he knew I was love sick, he is the reason I became the king of the court.

And here he is standing right in front of me after months of freedom he's back....

One day earlier

We were practicing like normal when takeda sensei called us over, "I have great news everyone!" he said excitedly "what is it takeda sensei?" daichi san asked

"We are getting a new player!" He

"a new player? But it's the middle of the year who would join now?" ennoshita san asked confused

"they just trasnfered here from a different prefecture but we don't know which one"

"I wonder what position he plays" yamaguchi said out loud

"well whatever it is it better not be setter cause we have enough of those" Suga san says jokingly

"When do we get to meet him!?" hinata asks excitedly,

"tomorrow,he will be at afternoon practice" takeda sensei says.

we all start talking about how fun it will be to have a new player on the team, but even tho I'm excited I have this bad feeling in my gut telling me something isn't right but i just shrug it off as anxiety about meeting someone new.

The next day

I get to the gym early for after noon practice and start to set up, ennoshita and hinata come next and help with the net then we go change.

When I come back everyone is changed and ready to practice, then takeda sensei comes in.

"Good afternoon everyone I would like you to meet the newest member of the boys volleyball club " he moved out of the way to show a rather tall boy about 4 inches taller then me with black hair and blood red eyes, his hair hung just above his shoulders and it was tied in a loose pony tail.

It was really him

The boy I hated more then anything

The one who made my life a living hell

Kamaki suma

A/N first chapter done! I hope you all like it so far
Also ps the name is shit because I can't name also I changed the first name so a lot of the comments will have a different name then the one here sorry

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