Chapter 8.

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Taehyung has finally returned home. Seoul is the only city that calms him and envelops him in warmth and love. What Taehyung loves the most from his city Seoul is the night life. The neon lights that light and warm up the city, to go around staring at them and at the stars in the sky. Taehyung can't wait for the night to come. He must have been a moonchild just like his leader Namjoon.

"Tae tae."

Taehyung turns around to see Jimin standing behind him with their luggage. It is 9am in the morning. They have just arrived at Incheon international airport and are about to return to their home. BTS live together, it is a well known fact. They are there to keep each other safe and protect each other.

"Yes Jim," says Taehyung as he takes his own luggage from Jimin. "Where are the members?" he asks.

"Oh they are going to buy some food for us. We haven't eaten our breakfast yet right Tae?"

"Oh okay Jimin," says Taehyung with a bright smile on his face. He is happy.

for now, he thinks.

As they are walking out of the airport, a swarm of fans are waiting for them. Their frantic screams and squeels are Taehyung's favorite sound. He likes it when they call his name when they chant "BTS! BTS! BTS! WE PURPLE YOU!" over and over again. As long as they don't invade his or other members' privacy, he loves them.

"Taehyung you're so handsome!"

"What are you talking about, he's not! Jeongguk is more handsome!"

"Yeah, he's actually not handsome at all, how can you say he's handsome? I don't get why he is number 1 most handsome male in the world with that face of him!"

Taehyung never really takes all of those words to heart. Actually, he never really cares about what others say about his looks. So he continues to wave to the fans including those who has just ridiculed his looks.

But Jengguk, he heard everything that was said by the fans. He is beyond outrage, how can someone who calls themselves army, dare to ridicule one of the BTS member? Instead of waving at them like Taehyung did, he glares at them. If staring can kill, they would have died.

"V hyung, don't listen to them. They are just jealous that they can't be like you," says Jeongguk.

"Gguk ah, I always think that our looks is the least thing to be concerned about. People have their own taste, no matter how handsome you are, there will be someone in this world that think differently, that think you're ugly. It also applies to those who think they are ugly. No matter how ugly you think you are, there will be someone who thinks you are very beautiful. So, if someone calls me ugly, they might be calling someone else beautiful, and I'm glad for them, because they too deserved to be called beautiful. So, it doesn't matter to me," explains Taehyung.

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