Chapter 22

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[The impact]

Jungkook wakes up from his sleep. It is currently 11 pm and everyone is asleep. Jungkook stays in bed with both of his eyes open for couple of minutes, staring into nothingness until he decided to get out of his bed and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

It has been two days since Taehyung came back to them. Almost a week since the inccident, and Jungkook has been having trouble sleeping. He is always awaken in the middle of the night and goes in to Taehyung's room to check if he is there. Making sure he does not disappear. Making sure he is where he is always supposed to be.

Tonight is no different. He drinks his glass of water and is on his way to Taehyung's room when he heard a voice from the bathroom.

"Who's in the bathroom?" Jungkook mumbles to himself.

He walks to the toilet slowly. He knows it shouldn't be anyone, but he has a bad feeling about it. He doesn't understand why he has this strong feeling that whoever is in the bathroom right now, is not any of the members.

He decides to bring a kitchen knife with him, holding it behind his back and slowly walking to the bathroom, tying to make as little noise as possible.

When he arrives, he is surprised to find out the door is unlocked and slightly opened. He gulps as he steps closer to the door and slowly pushing it open.

"Hyung," his voice trembles as the door creaks.

The next thing that Jungkook sees turns his blood cold as he lets out a blood curdling scream.


In front of him is Taehyung, bathing in his own blood in a white bathtub. Such constrasting color that makes Jungkook's stomach turns.

Jungkook stumbles onto the bathtub, dropping the knife on his way and sinks in to the bloody water or maybe just blood, Jungkook isn't sure anymore. He hugs Taehyung, pulling him up.

"Tae hyung, my Tae-bear," he chokes as he cries so hard. Taehyung looks so lifeless, so white. Blood pours out of his mouth as he is pulled upward.

"Hyung!!! Namjoon hyung!!! Jin hyung!!"

Jungkook keeps calling for the other hyung to come, but there is no answer.

"Where are they!? Why are they not coming yet?" He cries and cries.

Taehyung's body is geting colder and colder around his arm.

"No, baby, please." His sobs are geting louder and he starts having difficulty to speak.

"Tae-ah, you promise to play that new game together with me. You promise the army you'll stay with them for as long as you can. So, please, don't leave me!"

Jungkook screamed for the last time, before he lost his consciousness.


Hoseok was drinking water in the kitchen when he heard Jungkook's scream from inside his room.

And now he is panic running to Jungkook's room with a glass of water on his hand.

"Namjoon hyung!!! Jin hyung!!!" Jungkook screams are getting louder and louder and sounds more disturbing each second.

It is currently 5 am. Nobody needs to be awaken by this scream, but nobody should be having such a terrible nightmare too.

By now, Namjoon and Yoongi are awake. They come out of their room and meet Hoseok that is on his way to Jungkook's room.

"What the hell is happening?" Namjoon asks. Half asleep but clearly in worry.

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