Chapter 16

385 23 7

[Missing piece]

Taehyung wakes up and realises soon that he is not in his room. The last thing he remembers is talking to his uncle's friend Mr. Kwon.

"Shoot! Did Mr. Kwon kidnapped me?" Fear creeps in and slowly grips Taehyung's airway, causing difficulty to breath.

"Why?" He asks and his voice echoes in the silence


Friday, 21st March 2018

Today was a great day. I finally learned how to fish, seeing Yoongi hyung's happy face and gummy smile made my heart flutters and all warm. Jin hyung gave me a hug while I was washing the dishes, it wasn't such a big achievement anyway, I don't think I deserve a hug, but he hugged me.

I'm so happy today. Dear diary, I know I don't come to you as much as I used to anymore. You must have been lonely without me. Even so, I would like to always tell you every important days of my life. Today, is one of those days.

I am finally brave enough to find out the truth. I know my father is unwilling to tell me since he never talks to me about this before. So, I have to find it out myself, what's so bad that even dad refuses to tell me. Tomorrow, I'm going to meet Mr. Kwon. He's my only clue, I have to understand what happened, I have a feeling I have to understand.

I want to be free of doubt, a doubtful heart is the heaviest. I don't think I can continue walking with other members with a heart this heavy. I will find out the truth, I am not afraid, my happiness will be my strength, and my sorrow will motivate me. That is all, see you next time my diary.


Namjoon is pacing around in the living room with the others sitting on the sofa in front of him. Nobody can call Namjoon to sit down and calm down, since no one is calm enough to tell him to do so.

Taehyung's gone missing. He went to meet that good for nothing Mr. Kwon and never yet to return. This is crazy, why did he not tell us about it. Fortunately Namjoon read the diary, or else they will never have a clue. But the weird thing is, why was Tata laying on the ground in their yard. There is no reason for Tata to be there. Namjoon comes to a terrifying realisation, maybe Mr. Kwon came last night and took Taehyung away from them, he thought.

He has contacted Sejin about it, and Sejin promises to try his best to locate Taehyung. The problem is, Mr.Kwon also can no longer be contacted.

"Hyung, what should we do?" Jungkook asks, his eyes are puffy from crying too much.

"I don't know, shit, I don't know," mumbles Namjoon. His body shakes and he forces himself to take a seat even if he doesn't want to.

"For now, I think we all should return to our apartment. Sejin hyung is calling Mr. Kwon's co-workers to find out his whereabout. If we can't find Taehyung after 24 hours, we will call the police."

Jin is scared, but he needs to stay strong for the members. He is the eldest of the group for freak sake. He thinks of the most logical solution and that is to go home. Home is only place where everyone can relax and think straight.

"Okay, I agree. We should return to our home." Yoongi agrees, staying here will only make them more anxious.

"But hyung, why can't we report to the police? He was missing since last night!" Jimin exclaims in frustration. He stomps his feet to the ground and tries his best to talk between his sobs.

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