Chapter 5- Half of Potion lesson

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I make my way to potions. "Why are you late?" Professor Snape asks

"Sir, I told already told you," Harry says. 

"Quiet Potter, I want to hear it from Black," He spits. 

"We were doing boggarts and my boggart concerned Professor Lupin," I say. 

"Hmmm, 10 points from Gryffindor," He says. I roll my eyes. "Make it another 5, she just gave you attitude," Lavender says looking at me smirking. I look at her as if she dumb. "We're in the same house, do you want to win the house cup or not? " I ask slowly. She goes to open her mouth then closes it. I sit next to Harry. 

"Black, What does a shrinking solution include in its ingredients. Name all," Snape says 

"Minced daisy roots, Peeled Shrivelfig, Sliced caterpillars, one rat spleen, a dash of leech juice, a splash of cowbane and wormwood," I say effortlessly looking down at my empty parchment. "Hmm, 3 points from Gryffindor for your lack of effort." He says. I look up at him in disbelief. "So, I get it right don't get any points but as soon as I do it effortlessly because its an easy question I get points taken away?" I question. I stand up and grab my bag. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Somewhere where I'm not persecuted against for being in Gryffindor," I say. "Detention at 7 with Professor McGonagall on Friday!" He shouts from the door. I hold a thumbs up. I walk to DADA. I walk in and sit in the empty seat at the back of the classroom. He has a class of Year 4's I think.

"Shouldn't you be in potions?" Remus asks confused as to why I was in his class. "Yup but I'm not going back," I say. "Why?" Fred asks. "Because Fred I walk into that class, say why I'm late get 10 points taken off then he asks me a question I answer correctly and get 3 points taken off." I say. "I hate him. Never going to his class again, don't care if I fail that class." I say slouching in my chair. "Very well," Remus says. I sat at the back basically observing the class until the class was dismissed.

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