Chapter 4-Contestant names

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We all sit impatiently waiting for the names to be called out. 

"The moment you've all been waiting for," Dumbledore begins. The blue flame turns red and spits out a piece of paper as Dumbledore approaches the Goblet. Everyone becomes anxious. 

"The Durmstrang champion is..." There was a long pause "Viktor Krum!" The Durmstrangs cheer loudly with Ron clapping. Another paper flies out. 

"The champion from Beauxbatons...." Another long pause

"Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore announces. The Beauxbatons clap as Fleur walks up and stands next to Krum. The flame turns red and spits out the last champion. 

"The champion for Hogwarts is..." 

"Cedric Diggory!" Hogwarts cheer loudly with me joining in. Over the years Cedric became a brother to me. Cedric walks up and stands next to Fleur. 

"Excellent! Now we have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Tri-wizard Cup!" Dumbledore says. Next thing you know the Goblet of fire turns red and out flies another piece of paper. 

"Harry Potter... HARRY POTTER?" Dumbledore asks. I look at Harry, from the look in his eyes I know he didn't put his name in there. He's just as confused as the rest of us are. Hermione pushes him up to go up. He becomes very hesitant. 

"He's a cheat!"

He's not even sixteen yet!" People shout. Booing him.


I stand outside Dumbledore's office waiting for Harry. 

"Well?" I ask once the door opens with Harry standing there. 

"Still have to compete," He says. I hug him. "I'm sorry." Is all I say. He smiles weakly. Harry walks to the common room while I walk to the Library. I take out my potion book and study for a bit. 

I walk to the common room. I hear Harry talking to someone. I walk to the fire. "Dad!" I whisper making Harry jump. "Hey kiddo!" He replies. "We were just talking about Harry's dream." He adds. I look at Harry. "Dream?" I ask. 

"Sounds like the dream you had." Harry said. I nod. 

"Harry told me what happened. Harry, Clara, the deatheaters at the world cup, Harry's name rising from the goblet, these arent coincidences. Hogwarts isn't safe anymore." Dad begins. 

"Dad..." I start. 


"There's something off about Remus." I say

"What do you mean?" 

"In class a couple days ago...He yelled at a student. twelve years of me living with him, he's never yelled. I know he gets aggetated before the full moon but we arent near the full moon. And he showed us the three unforgivable spells. The Remus I know would never hurt a fly!" I reason. 

"Keep an eye on him!" He says. "Something is off indeed. Keep me updated about him," I nod. 

"What do you mean Hogwarts isn't safe anymore?" Harry asks returning to our converstaion before. "I'm saying the devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff. he was a deatheater and no one just stops being a deatheater. Then there's Barty, he sent his OWN son to Azkaban," Dad says. 

"Who do you think put Harry's name in the Goblet?" I question. 

"Someone who isn't a friend of his. People die in this tournament and no doubt he's working for you-know-who. Trust no one," Dad continues. 

"Someone's coming!" I shout as loud as i can while still whispering. "Keep you friends close." Dad says. Ron enters the common room rubbing his eyes. "Who are you talking to?" He says. 

"We were talking," I say after a moment of silence. 

"I heard voices," Ron says. 

"Probably imagining it," I say. 

"Probably practicing for Harry's next interview" Ron says rolling his eyes. He walks back up the stairs. We go to the fire but Sirius is gone. A newspaper I don't remember seeing before has the headline "Teenage tragedy," 

I look at Harry. "Are you and Ron okay?" Harry shrugs. "He thinks I put my name in there," He says. 

"You couldn't have, there's an age line. Fred and George have already proven to us an age potion won't work," I say, "Dumbledore isn't stupid," I add. I hug him. 

"Lets go to bed." I say. Harry nods and goes to his dorm. I look at the fire for a few minutes making sure dad doesn't return. I soon go back up to bed. 

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