Chapter 1- Turn of Events

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Remus, Tonks and dad all hug me like it's the last time he's going to see me. "Guy's I'm gonna be gone for 2 weeks, you'll see me before I get on the train and Remus, you'll see me in school," I say giggling. "We know, It's just scary," Dad says. I smile and hug them all one last time. "See you soon!" I say waving them off. George stands in the doorway. "Hey," He says. I smile. "Heyyyy," I say dragging the Y's. He chuckles. God, that laugh. I thought. He picks up my trunk. We walk in. 

"Clara!" Hermione says. I laugh and hug her back. Ron, Ginny, Fred, Molly, Harry all join in with the hug. "We missed you!" Hermione exclaims. "I missed you all too!" I reply.  George hugs me last. It felt like an eternity. He smelled like bubblegum. After a few minutes, we pull away. I feel myself blushing. I hear someone clear their throat. I look around. Ron raises his eyebrow looking at  George. "What?" I ask curiously. Ron stands there looking impatient while the other just grin like Cheshire Cat. "Clara," George stands. I turn to him. "Yeah?" I asked eyeing him curiously. "You're my best friend!" He says in a childish manner. I playfully roll my eyes. "I know," I say shrugging. I laugh. 


"You'll be alright sharing a room with Hermione and Ginny, won't you dear?" Molly asks. "Of course," I say. Ginny squeals. I laugh. She drags me up the stairs. "Bye then!" I shout. I hear laughter. I sit on a bed with my trunk on it. Me, Ginny and Hermione all caught up. We talk about how excited we are for the Quidditch World Cup. 


"So how far up are we?" Ron asks. "Let's just say, if it rains you'll be the first to know," Arthur says. Draco and Lucius stop us. "Mr Weasley, Miss Black," I give him a slight smile. Our families weren't close at all! "Mr Malfoy," Arthur greets. They have a conversation or more like Lucius insulting them and Draco laughing. 

We walk up to our reserved seats. Arthur sits with Fred, Hermione sits with Ron, Harry sits with Ginny and I sit with George. I sit back and rest my head on George's chest. I watch the game. 



"Ron! Harry, Wake up!" Mr Weasley says. Ron and Harry shot up from their bed. Laughter and cheering was replaced with screaming and panic. "George and Fred have gone to get the girls," Mr weasley announces.  "Get to the portkey!" He exclaims. Ron and Harry scurry to their feet and begin to run. They see a redhead in front of them. "Ginny?" Ron shouts. The redhead looks back. It was Ginny. "Come on!" Ginny says. However, they were stopped when a skull and a snake lights up the sky. "He's back..." Harry mutters. The Dark Lord was back and he was powerful. 

"Where's Clara?" George asks loudly. Ron looks around. "Clara!" No answer. "You go! I'll look for her!" George says. George runs towards to tents and passes them. He sees Clara unconscious on the ground. He shake's her. He checks her pulse and is relieved to find one. He carefully picks her up and goes back to the portkey. 

"There looking for mudbloods." Draco says walking towards them. 

"Watch your mouth!" Ron shouts. 

"Careful weasel," Draco says smirking. 


The group gets back to the burrow. George places Clara onto the couch. "I'll go owl Sirius!" Mrs Weasley says. She writes a letter explaining what has happened. 

Dear Sirius Black, 

I'm sure you have heard what has happened at the World Cup, everyone is safe. However, Clara is unconscious. I felt the need to let you know. She has a few scratches and may have some bruises. Harry is okay. He has a few scratches but nothing serious. 


Molly Weasley

Molly sends Errol (The family owl) off. Clara remains unconscious for some time. George paces around blaming himself as if shes dead. "She isn't dead! She's okay, she's just unconscious." Ginny points out. Clara's eyes begin to fluttter open. George seems to be the first one to notice. "Thank goodness your okay!" George says. He kisses her forehead. Clara smiles. She slowly sits up with the help of Hermione, George sits next to her.  Sirius, Remus and Tonks burst in. Sirius runs to Clara. "Are you okay?" He asks with a voice filled with concern. "I'm okay, dad," She says. He coninutes to look at her with worry. He hugs her. She returns it. "Hey," Remus and Tonks say in unison. Clara giggles. Sirius goes to Harry. 

"He's back," Harry mutters. 

"Who?" Remus asks

"He-who-shall-not-be-named," Harry replies. 

"We need to tell Albus!" Remus says. "He needs to know," 

Tears (Sirius Black's Daughter) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now