Chapter 10- Time Turner Summary

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A/N I'm not going to actually make this chapter about the actual event with the time turner but I'll summarise it. 


Ron, Harry and Clara all woke up in the hospital wing. Hermione was with Ron before she realised Harry and Clara had woken up. The four spent a lot of time trying to convince fudge that Sirius Black was innocent. It was no use. He and Severus Snape were both stuck on the idea that they were under spell. Clara went mad but was held back by Harry. Sirius Black was sentenced to the Dementors kiss. 

Dumbledore introduced Harry to a thing called the 'Time Turner'. Hermione and Harry went on an adventure and to save Buckbeak and help Sirius escape once again. It was Harry who saved Clara and Sirius. Not his dad. He knew he could do it because he'd already done it before. They fly buckbeak to Azkaban and help sirius. He was still a wanted 'murderer' but as soon as a trial started  he would be proven innocent. Then maybe, just maybe he'd get to walk through the doors of Hogwarts once more. 

Remus Lupin WAS going to resign but Clara managed to get him to stay another year, to 

One- prove that he isn't dangerous

Two- Severus could finally get to teach DADA a bit more 

Summer came around and Mrs and Mr Weasley invited Harry, Clara and Hermione over to their house. Clara and George were crushing on each other. Remus and Sirius moved in together with Harry and Clara. Clara was training to become an Animagus to help Remus during the full moon. Everyone was happy. 

Overtime Sirius had trials and was proven Innocent. Now the lookout is on Peter Pettigrew. Remus met a girl called Tonks. She now lives with Remus, Sirius, Harry and Clara. Clara was relieved when she found out she wasn't to be the only girl living there. Tonks and Clara became best friends. 

Hermione and Harry were already at the Burrow, Clara stayed with Remus and Sirius til the World Cup event. 

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