Chapter 8- Quidditch and Fault

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The next month had gone by fairly quickly. The snow had disappeared but it was still so cold. Harry had been taking Patronus lessons from Remus so I hardly ever saw them both. Ron and Hermione had fallen out as Ron thinks Hermione's cat killed his rat. It's not Hermione's fault, she isn't in control of her cat's actions. Cat's kill its life. And besides, apparently, Ron called his rat pathetic in the first year so I don't know why he's so upset. Harry and I weren't on speaking terms he blames me for his Parent's death when I obviously wasn't me. He's so self-centred. Pretends he doesn't like attention but clearly loves it. 

It was the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff Quidditch match. The weather was stormy. It's dangerous to be outside. It's an intense game. We're about 20 minutes into the game when a yellow figure comes falling down. "Omg," I say worriedly. I look away. "It's okay," Hermione says. I look back. A few minutes later a red-figure falls. It goes silent. "Wingardium Levosa!" I shout. Swish and flick. I lower Harry down to the ground and run to him but he was already knocked out. 

"He looks a peaky don't you think?" Ron asks. 

"He did fall over 50 feet Ron," I mention. "Perhaps we could drop you from the astronomy tower, see how you look then," Hermione giggles, the twins look hopeful and Ron just gulps. 


I hear voices, then a giggle. I slowly open my eyes. "Harry!" Hermione exclaims. "Are you alright?" She asks. 

"Been better," I joke. "What happened?" I ask

"You fell off of your broom, Clara saved you from further injuries." Ron says. I roll my eyes. I didn't need saving I thought. "I meant the game," I say. 

"No one blames you, but just after you fell Cedric caught the snitch, he wanted a rematch as he didn't realise what had happened but Wood said they won fair and square." Hermione says. I hear a sigh. "I should go," Black says. 

"Yeah, what you doing here anyway?" I ask with pure hatred. Hermione wacks my arm and sends me a glare. Clara looks away then back again. "Just because you stopped being my friend, doesn't mean I stopped being yours." She says. "I'll see you in the common room." She says looking at Hermione with eyes full of sadness. 

------------------------------------TIME SKIP TO NIGHT----------------------------------------------


I stare at the ceiling once again. I pop my head up in unison with the other girls as soon as we heard a scream. We all get up. I'm the first one out. "What's wrong?" I ask. "What's all this noise?" Percy asks. "Sirius Black was here," He says out of breathe. The professor McGonagall walks in "Look I know your sad about losing but there isn't much need for all this noise!" She exclaims. "It's okay Professor, Ron just had a bad dream," Percy says. "No, it wasn't! Sirius Black was here! He was holding a knife!" He then looks at me. "It's all your fault! It's you! You helped him!" He shouts. "Yep! I obviously helped him when I haven't seen him in thirteen years!" I scream. Even though I saw him yesterday I couldn't say that. Tears steam down my face. "Mr Weasley! That's quite enough!" McGonagall says. I run out of the common room and into the Forbidden Forest. I sit on a log sobbing. 

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