Chapter 5- Lets Kill Malfoy.

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We sit in the common room discussing the first task with Ron and Hermione, Ron was still suspicious while Hermione was confused about the whole situation. Clara storms into the room. "I AM GOING TO KILL HIM!" She screams. "Who?" Hermione asks. "My lowlife excuse of a cousin!" She says raging. "What's he done?" I ask calmly. "What hasn't he done? He made badges that say 'Support Cedric Diggory' but when Harry goes near the badge it turns to 'Potter Stinks'," She says in full rage mode. George and Fred walk down. "We heard screaming what's happened?" Fred says looking around. George seems to take notice of Clara and walks up to her cautiously. "What's Malfoy done?" He says rubbing her arms.

She explains what happened then walks out saying she's going for a walk. In other words, she's going to find Malfoy. I follow her into the courtyard. "Like the badge potter?" A group of Gryffindors say. "Yeah, real funny," I say sarcastically. I catch Clara walking up to Malfoy. "You foul evil little bitch!" She screams. Malfoy jumps off of the tree. "Ooo, look who we have here," Malfoy says as I walk up to him. I try pulling Clara away but she's too strong. The professors seem to notice something off. McGonagall, Dumbledore and Lupin all walk-up. "What's seems to be the problem?" Lupin asks calmly. "Nothing, we were just leaving," I say. A crowd forms.

"You can't get enough, can you? I don't mean to mess with your self-expression but I've learned that stressing and obsessing about somebody else is no fun, maybe you should take a look and realise that you're not getting anywhere with obsessing over Harry!" She shouts.

"Clara," Lupin says sternly. She begins to walk off. She turns back and punches Malfoy straight in the nose. That's got to hurt. I leave Clara with the Professors and walk to Cedric. "Read the badge potter," A Hufflepuff says. "Can I have a word?" I ask him rather loudly seems as the HufflePuffs don't know when to shut up. "Alright," He says. We walk to a tree. "Dragons, that's the first task," I say. "They've got one for each of us," I add. "Come on Ced," A Hufflepuff says. He looks at them. "Serious?" He asks looking back at me. I nod. "Krum and Fleur do they?" He asks.

"Yes," I say. The Hufflepuff start talking again. "Hey, about the badges, I've asked them not to wear them but-" I cut him off. "It's okay," I walk off and go back to Clara who seems to be now screaming. I swear I can see steam out of her ears. "Mr Potter could you please escort miss Black to the common room," McGonagall says. I drag Clara by the elbow and take her to the Common room. 


I sit on the couch next to the twins and sigh frustratedly."Let's kill him," I say through my gritted teeth. "No, we know how annyoing he is but you can't kill him," Hermione says. "And why's that?" I ask. "You'll be sent to Azkaban and you wont be able to see use nor george," Ginny says smirking as she whispers the last part in my ear. I blush. "Fair point," I say. We laugh. 

McGonagall walks in and says "Impressive punch, I must admit, however you do need some form of punishment. Detention at 6:30 with Hagrid, unfortunately you will be with mr. Malfoy," I sigh. "It's official, life hate's me!"  


Harry walks around. "Why so tense Potter? You and your boyfriend quarreling? Anyway, my father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you'll last 10 minutes in this tournament....He diagrees. He thinks you wont last five!" He told Harry laughing with his posse. 

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He vile and cruel and you're just as pathetic," Harry told him confidently. He'd had enough of Malfoy running around like he owns the place. Harry turns his back. Draco angrily holds his wand about to cast a spell when Lupin turns up. Lupin quickly turns Draco into a ferret. 

"I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned." Lupin makes the ferret go up and down like a yo-yo. 

"Professor Lupin what are you doing?" McGonagall asks with wide eyes. 

"Teaching..." He tells her. 

"Is...Is that a student?" She asks. 

"Technically it's a ferret!" He told her.

Lupin makes the ferret hover around. He puts the ferret up the trouser leg of his friend. He looks uncomfortable. Everyone laughs. Eventually the ferret comes out and Professor McGonagall turns him back into a student. Draco scrambles to his feet. "My father will hear about this!" He exclaims. 

"Is that a threat?" Lupin asks. He chases Draco around the tree. 

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