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First things first, I didn't come into this thinking that I am the most incredible writer in the world. I know there are people who are always going to be a bit better than me. The reason I say this is, don't push yourself too hard. You don't need to be the best to be amazing. Not everyone needs to love everything you do to be successful. And that's okay. So what I just got into was that not everyone is going to love your story, the characters or the genre. They may not enjoy the plot or like your style of writing. Maybe they only read books that are in third person, who knows.

I'm sure – in fact, I know – that all of you have seen or at least heard of fights going around about fanfictions. One of the most important things that you should know is not to get into a debate about them. Seriously. The reason is, there are millions of people who hate fanfictions... and millions of people who love them. Do you honestly believe that either side is going to give in to the other? No. It will never happen. Never. And I know that some of you may be thinking "never say never", but the truth is, there will always be someone else prepared to fight with you. Because people love fighting. Ironic, isn't it? Sadly, it's true. Everyone wants to be right and most people are willing to not move an inch until they've proven their point.

If you can't resist saying one thing, then don't take any sides and definitely don't bash either. Try to remain neutral, but you can defend someone who is being harassed. And then that's it. Take a big step back and don't say anything else. If you do, it won't turn out well for you. I can promise you that. The moral at the end of my talk about fanfiction is don't let the opinions of others restrain you from writing what you want to write. If you adore fanfiction, then to hell with the fanfiction-haters; write it! If you consider yourself an expert at mystery, show us what you're worth. If you have the coolest idea ever and you want to prove that it is really amazing, try it out! If you have never written a short story before but you want to experiment, then try something new! The great thing about Wattpad is that it is a site full of an environment of learning and community. There are no limits to what you can do.

Now, let's turn around for a second. What's our next topic? Writers block. We all get it, and we all struggle, but do you know what? It isn't incurable! One thing that I have always found that helps prevent writers block is planning out everything in my story in advance. There still may be tangles in your journey, but most of them have already been worked out. Of course, if you haven't planned, there are other ways.... Probably the most effective way is to simply take a break. I'm sure any readers of yours will understand if you let them know. When you come back with a fresh mind and a new attitude it can make all the difference. Still stuck though? In that case, try to think of scenarios and conflicts, any conflicts, and when you are done, link them to your plot and characters. Try to develop your relationships between characters. These two people hate each other? Okay, let's force them to work together or else the world will end. That might be a couple of interesting scenes. You can also just write randomly. It will get your creative juices flowing and help you think your way out of your mess.

Remember, inspiration can come from any situation. I was sitting on my bus the other day and thought of a group of misfit kids who don't really have any friends and are all different... who have to take a school trip and they are all on this bus together. It has more complicated things than that of course, but you have to see the writing material behind everything. Everywhere you go, just think "what if..." What if the school is subject to a terrorist attack? What if my dog is possessed? What if that closet really does hold something sinister? What if it turns out that my neighbor next door really is a wanted criminal? What if that quiet girl's eyeglasses are actually a portal to another world? The world is a place full of beautiful ideas. Take them. Use them.

Make something incredible.

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