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So first off I'd like to thank @Sarsar14 (just checked and realized I've got her username memorized,) for asking me to do this. This idea/plan is truly a great one, and I stand completely behind it. Now, I'm not the best inspirational guy out there, nor at times the kindest. Mostly because I'll "crush" whatever is threatening me. So this is just a disclaimer because I might not be very good at this.

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house." -Matthew 5:14-15 New International Version
This passage is partly why I agreed to do this. See I've seen very little light in Wattpad lately.  There seems to be very little people who are willing to actually try to make a difference lately.
I am going to talk about these things in detail: lack of talent or lack of skill, writers block, character development, losing faith, and our hope and joy for writing.
To answer the first question, some may give up because they're told that they have no talent, and believe it. But most won't just because of that. If you're the type of person who gives up because of that, then let me tell you something; It doesn't matter. Writing for most is not a talent. It is however a skill, and like most skills you have to hone it. Like a knife you must also keep it sharp by writing often.
Also learn how to take criticism the good, the bad, the neutral, the honest, and yes even the biased. All of it will help you eventually. Take it as an opportunity to learn. Heck, I even ask the harshest critics to critique me, but I also ask them to teach me.
The second question's turn to be answered. I have seen many who hit writers block, and never finish because of this. My humble advice is this.
The imagination is a powerful tool in the writers tool box. Use it every chance you get. For example; Through out the day while doing non-thought taxing jobs daydream about your next chapter. Play it out in your mind like a movie. If you don't like where one thing leads just change it, and perfect the scene in your mind.
Then when you sit down to write you already know what to write. Quite the simple yet effective trick. I should know I use it a fair amount.
Another thing you can do is write down things you find interesting. For example just this past month I found out that you can literally 3D working body parts. (Including reproductive organs.) It is now in my list of things I could someday write about, or add into my book. Also did you know we are close to surpassing the computing power of brains. (That is if technology continues at the rate it is.)
You might be asking, "What about our characters Cybor?" Well, to be honest the best two ways I've found are quite simple, and fun. One of the ways is mentioned in a previous chapter. So I won't go into lengthy detail, but basically you interview your character. Make it game with friends or family.
The second I have not seen mentioned here so I will go into detail about it. Role Playing (or RP for short.) Now I'm not sure how many of you would frown upon this, but don't mock it until you try it. It's really helped me develop my characters. Just having them in normal (sometimes not so normal.) Situations will help you see what your character would do.
For example, say that another character named Joe handed you character named Bill a cookie. What would Bill do? Would he accept it no questions asked, or throw the cookie far away because he thought it was poisoned.
If you're ever interested in doing RP there's a great colab account on Wattpad that's great for RP. They even have a book called, "The Awesomest Roleplays of The Awesomest Roleplays." Their account name is @The_Alpaca_Army. Trust me when I say it's full of great people, and (fairly) believable scenarios.
Finally the last one. When you get sad, depressed, or even stressed you feel like giving up on anything you're doing. This is just how we are wired. Some will push through and keep going, others well, won't. Not on their own at least, and that's why this book is here.
That's also why you have friends, family, teachers, and elders. There has to be someone who will listen to you. To encourage you, to cheer you up and onwards.
Another thing I'd like to talk about shortly is career. I don't see why this can't be a full or part time career. Like anything in life if you work hard enough you'll reach your goal. Quite honestly I don't want to do this full time. It's too much stress for me. But I will do it part time. Along with what I'm good at. Which is hard labour (I also enjoy doing hard labour.)
I will say that you follow your heart, your goals, and what you enjoy. Just be prepared for hardship with your 'hobby' if you do go down this path. It will test your love for writing.
Now all the advice I have given I have used, and is proven to work. (For me at least.) Also I have really only gotten serious about writing in the past two years or so. This means I am not an expert by the least.
Anyways, I hope you got some hope, and light from this. I'm sorry if I was to direct in any way. I was only trying to help. Again I'd like to thank @sarsar14 for allowing me to do this.

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