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Hello! I truly am such a random person, ya know, bringing my random topic over here to this book....sorry....haha. It wasn't  (to be honest) as hard to come up with a topic as I thought it would have been. This came to me at 1:00 in the morning Thurs. or Friday night so bare with me here, haha. In reality I was just asking myself a bunch of questions and realized how much age judgment irritates me...

I want to start this off by saying that we all know to write you don't need to be a certain age, and it sucks if someone tells you they're not going to read your work because, I dunno, you aren't in your 40's. I don't think that is very fair and you probably don't either if you are like me. I also think we should be supportive of the writers who are under 13 on here. It is one thing if said person is spamming, acting like a two year old who suddenly learned to read, write and type but chances are they are probably equally as mature as you. I will dig back into this in a second. 

Listen, don't let anyone mess with you about not being a certain age, you will be the best fricken writer in the world when you're older, sure, but what if you didn't write right now? You would be less practiced and the second best fricken writer in the world. It takes a lot to write a book and obviously a reader who won't read a book because of your age is not a writer. 

In my eyes, I don't care if the author is a genuis two year old who got on his or her mom's laptop or a 98 year old woman  named Mae, writing from the nursing home. It shouldn't have anything to do with your age. Period.

Now about the "under-age" thing, listen before you report me, please, I am 12 (And a half ;) and I am at an above college level in Reading, Writing and ELA so I think it should be fair that you read my work like I am a college student .  Just saying. 

I'm gonna go off topic and give just basic support now, I am turning that into a rant (oops) and it shouldn't be. It just stinks that it has to be a topic....

I want to give me 100% support with all of your writing. You are beautiful and unique and everything you write is cherished and enjoyed by at least one person, even if that one person is yourself.   I know that I write to give myself strength, I write to be the characters I am not & write to explore the things I am afraid of. Everyone writes for a reason even if they don't know what that reason is yet, I've only known for a little while and now that I know why I think I've moved forward with my work. 

You find that reason and I think you deserve a medal.  Because if you are waiting for perfection you might as well not write a word the rest of your life.

I hope that this is relatable to you, thank you @sarsar14 for letting me do this :D:D:D

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