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Find Inspiration. 

I cannot tell you how important inspiration is. 

Find something original and go for it! Who cares about what people think at the start of your story, just keep going as long as you do that, it doesn't really matter. 

When you get a new idea for a story, just write it and publish it. It doesn't really matter how many unfinished stories are on your profile! Personally, I have a tonne! 

Inspiration is so easy for some people to find but for others, it's not so easy. So when you find an idea you love, write it and don't care about the reads or votes.

Keep your stories

There are so many stories on my profile that have been either 'put on hold' or have just been taken off. If you want to take a story off, think of the person that is looking for a story just like yours. They are looking and there you are just taking it off. If your story has some reads or even one vote, that means someone out there wants to read it and that one person will be devastated when it gets taken off! 

So keep your chin up and keep writing for that one person that wants to read something that you of all people, have written. 


Good-or at least decent-grammar is so important. There are so many popular stories that don't have good grammar. I can't even understand it. A community of people who like to read and/or write apparently love to read stories with not so great grammar. 

Now don't get me wrong, we all (well most of us) are novices and we are human, therefore we're allowed to make mistakes! So when you're about to post that new update that took you so long to write, copy and paste it into Word or Pages and just correct that spelling and grammar just enough to keep the program happy. If the program is happy, then your readers should be too. 

There is nothing I love more than finding a story on Wattpad with good grammar! 


Sometimes, we don't feel like writing and that's okay. This is the first thing I have written in over a week. Most people who write stories on Wattpad seem to get comments saying: 'OMG UPDATE PLZ' and sure, we like that we get more comments but don't feel pressured to post an update just because someone uses all caps and likes to use abbreviations. Don't post a new chapter until you are happy with it. Don't post a new chapter just to keep your readers happy, post another chapter to keep you happy! 

To the readers out there, instead of doing something like the example above, do something like: 'Hi! Great chapter! I can't wait to read more!! :)' or 'Another awesome chapter! Patiently awaiting update!'

That way, you are still asking the author to update but you're doing it in a respectful way, it's not demanding or pushy and it will in no way pressure the author to produce a new chapter.

Believe in yourself

Some people will like you story, some will love it and some will hate it. People have opinions and they like to share them. Don't take one or two not so nice comments to heart, it is just someone's opinion. Think of the lovely comments that keep you writing, the ones that inspire you and make you feel so proud of your work! 

Work hard and finish a story! You'll probably get some hate (who doesn't these days)? So stay strong, believe that you can do it and just write when you feel like it! 

There is nothing and no one to stop you from being a huge Wattpad writer! Just don't give up!

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