Chapter #5

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(No one's POV.)

Izuku was sitting there on a tall building looking at the sunrise before him. The sky was a vibrant raw sienna colour slowly turning into a beautiful wash of colours over the city.

The sight was peaceful. . . Was.

(Izuku's POV.)

Enjoying the fresh breeze flow through my hair as I sat on a tall building in Japan waiting. Listening.
Then I heard it the sound of pitter pattering feet so close to silence the normal human ear would not be able to sense the sound made by non other than


He was looking at me I can feel it. I should probably get the hell out of here, but he is too much fun to play with.

"Okami I've heard about you patrolling around this time."

Aizawa stood there trying to make it seem like his guard was down so I would lower mine.
Does he think I'm stupid or something?

"Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when I'm around?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Wow he really thinks I'm an idiot.

"Turn off that quirk dampener its pissing me off."

He looked kinda angry for a second but then he took off the wires and threw the device at me. I being the annoying person I am threw it off the roof and watched it smash on the ground.

"You're paying for that."

I giggled and said "when you can finally catch me Eraser-san."

(Aizawa's POV.)

I finally find Okami in weeks on a roof top and he's giving me sass.
The sightings of him didn't die down but I couldn't find him it's like he changed his entire schedule just to avoid me.

"Mind telling me where the hell you've been?"

He just sighed and giggled. It's too early in the morning for this shit.

"Sorry my shifts at my job switched and so I needed to switch my hours on patrol. Hope I didn't worry you Eraser-san~."

Interesting so the infamous Okami does in fact have a day job.

I internally sighed and thought of what to do. I haven't got one thing on this person to incriminate him, all I know Is that he smells like smoke and some sort of spice, is extremely well versed in hand to hand combat along with being able to wield almost every weapon and. . . He is extremely childish.

Guess I gotta do it I've waited long enough.

"First off why would I worry about you, second give me a hint."


It was the first time Eraser and Okami met. It was an unusually silent night as Eraser leaped from roof to roof keeping an eye out for danger. There was a small person sitting on a ledge. The odd person looked at the underground pro and said this.

"Three hints. One: Only someone who has talked to me and looked me directlyin the eyes would make the connection. Two: A special secret from my past.

Three: a Date and time.

(End of Flashback)

I want the second hint and I am gonna catch this vigilante.

(No one's POV.)

Vigilante Okami (Izuku Midoriya) (Discontinued, New Book Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now