Chapter #10

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Izuku just kept puffing away and still didn't notice the presence behind him.

He was too busy trying not to freak out than to focus on his surroundings at the moment.

Stupid, yes.

Did he care? Not at the moment, no.

The brocco boy looked at the sky and saw no stars.

'Damn light pollution.'

He thought that he would be able to see the stars, afterall he was in an abandoned looking neighborhood.

But the lights of the city reached him.

He did like the city he's not gonna lie. The buildings are fun to climb and jump off of. He was a city boy.

He pulled the cigarette out from between his lips threw it on the ground and stepped on it. I know not very nice to litter but who cares right now? Honestly?

Well I guess someone did.

Izuku's ear twitched as he bent over backwards to avoid the impending attack. As soon as he bent down a scarf flung right infront of his face.

He recognized it.

Who did it belong to again?

Or right! Eraser-san.

'Wait Eraser? Why was he here what does he want?'

Izuku's thoughts were all over the place.
Not good news for him because as he started to mutter under his breath he quickly lost track of the short time frame and gave the other insomniac time to capture him.

Izuku felt the scarf bandage looking thing wrap around his torso and arms immediately immobilizing him.

The boy did not like this one bit.

It brought back too many bad memories.

Being strapped down to the bed.

Being chained the the wall.

Being bound by leather cuffs to a metal chair.

Izuku was trembling, shaking at the memories that ran to the forefront of his memory unannounced and unwelcome.
He got so scared that he accidentally activated one of his quirks.


The pro hero had just caught a teen smoking. He was going to catch the stupid teen but they dodged? He tried again and actually caught the damn thing but not for long.
It seemed as though the person in the scarf had disappeared. . .

He whipped the scarf back towards him and hung it loosely around his neck.

He hesitantly took a step forward and saw a shaking figure on the ground.

'Who is this? They seem familiar'

Aizawa took out his flashlight and shone it on the teen.

"Izuku. . .?"

He looked up to the hero with tears running down his pale emotionless face.

Aizawa doesn't know how to react.

I mean, how would you react in this situation?

Once Izuku saw the hero and registered  what situation he was in he immediately jumped back and took out one of his favorite knives.

A metallic green black and blue butterfly knife.

He crouched down and let out a dangerous growl.
The hero looked a tiny bit shocked but didn't really do or say anything. He was honestly quite exited!

He can fight Izuku.

But the only problem was he is very unstable, not so good to fight with.
Aizawa dodged a swipe to the gut and looked back at where Izuku should have landed.

But the problem was

He wasnt fucking there.


The day went on as normal. You know, the nightmares got worse, Milo was the amazing doggo he is, work was quite busy, home wasn't fun. Oh and he hasn't eaten anything.

He sat in his bed curled up.
He didn't know what was happening to him. He could care less about him to be honest, but it was quite strange that . . .

That he didn't feel anything.

He thought he was empty before but this was different.

'Oh well it didn't matter. This is what happens when your getting happy right?
I won't worry anyone anymore if I just keep doing this I will eventually be happy like everyone else, right?

Yeah. That's what will happen. It's normal. Everyone goes through something like this I just got the worst if it. I don't even matter anyway, why am I trying to be like everyone else? I already know that answer.

I want to be accepted.'



Oh and I'm writing another book. It will be published soon but idk.

In my new book the protagonist is of course Izuku, he is kinda insane? Well kinda like, ok you know that one quiet kid in your grade or school that never talks and always has some sort of book notepad/book and you just know something Is up. Yeah that kid. And if you dont have that kid then you can imagine.

Goodbye my beautiful statues I will see you all again on monday.

-MANIQUIN     out. . .

Vigilante Okami (Izuku Midoriya) (Discontinued, New Book Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now