Chapter #8

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Aizawa woke up in his bed with a splitting headache and no recollection of the night's events.

He sat up with shaking arms proping him up on his bed. He felt like he was hit by a plane that was on steroids.
But that wasn't important right now.
He didn't know what to think he just needed to know 2 things.

'How did I get here?'
'What the fuck happened?'

He looked around his room and spotted a figure in the right corner by the window.

It was literally the nightmare we all dread having.

The figure sat in an old rocking chair looking out the window.

What was it? Was his eyes playing tricks on him?

The figure moved. Its head turning and seemed to look right at him.

Emerald eyes pierced through the darkness with ease almost as if the strange things in its sockets were glowing. Aizawa swiftly grabbed his capture weapon around his neck and flung it at the mysterious figure.

But as soon as it reached the destination the ominous figure was no longer in the rocking chair.

He scanned the room for the figure when he heard a slight whisper in his ear. It made shivers go down his spine and radiate through his entire body making the hairs on his neck stand on end.

Why was he so scared?

"When the nice guy loses patience the devil shivers."

He slowly looked behind him,

There was nothing.

Suddenly the lights were flicked on and he saw his husband at the bedroom door looking worried.

"Shou are you okay? Your shaking."

He didn't even realise he was shaking until yamada pointed it out.

"S-somthing happened and I don't know what to think of it."

He knew he would never forget what just happened.

The parakeet walked over to Aizawa and rubbed his hand on his cheek trying to calm his hero down. Yamada was actually very worried, the only time he got scared like this is when- actually he has never seen him act like this before.

Yamada removed his hand when he saw an old looking envelope on the bed-side table.

"Um shou where did you get that letter from?"

Aizawa looked utterly confused and looked at where the other was looking.

An old looking envelope with a red wax seal. Aizawa looked at it for a minute and then proceeded to open it. Once the envelope was opened a sweet sent of vanilla filled the room.

Then was the piece of paper containing the note.

Eraserhead this is addressed to all pro heroes.

I urge you to not go after the monsters that may appear during your patrolling and missions.

You need to run away and let me deal with them. This is serious and I do not want some hero getting killed because they were arrogant and didn't realise such danger.

If you think you can handle these things you are dead wrong.

I am warning you not to interfere with my work. This is my problem.

Once again these things are dangerous and are to be treated as a threat even to all might.

- Okami (°^°)

Vigilante Okami (Izuku Midoriya) (Discontinued, New Book Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now